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January 24, 2012 • Page 15 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com TRACTORS - COLLECTOR TRACTORS - COMBINES - HEADS - SKID LOADERS - FORAGE HAY-FEEDING EQUIPMENT - PLANTERS - ASST. MACHINERY - VEHICLES - TRUCKS - TRAILERS NEW YEAR AUCTION Our New Year Auction Event will be held at the Wieman Auction Facility located 1 mile south and 1/2 mile west on Highway 44 from Marion SD on: WEDNESDAY, February 1st 9:00 CST Lunch by Presbyterian Church Ladies TRACTORS – SKID LOADERS – FORKLIFTS – LOADERS COLLECTOR TRACTORS & MACHINERY 2006 NH TG 275, MFD, SS, wts & duals, 1254 Hrs.; 2009 CIH Puma 155 MFD, 620 Hrs, CAH; 05 JD 7520 MFD, PQ w/Ldr, 5700 Hrs; 06 CIH MX305, 1900 Hrs, w/duals; 07 CIH Puma 165, MFD, CAH, 3100 Hrs w/CIH L770 Ldr & grapple; 05 CIH MXU 125, MFD, 2750 Hrs w/CIH LX 156 Ldr w/grapple; 04 CIH MXU 125, MFD, CAH, 6600 Hrs w/Miller PL3 Ldr; 03 CIH MXM 155, MFD, CAH, 3800 Hrs.; 98 CIH 8920, MFD, 8200 Hrs.; 2011 Farmall 95, MFD, CAH, 20 Hrs. w/CIH 735 Ldr; 06 JD 7420, MFD, PQ w/LHR, 3405 Hrs.; 02 JD 8320, MFD, 8000 Hrs w/duals & wts;, sharp; 93 JD 8970, CAH, 3 Pt, 7600 Hrs; 96 JD 8400, MFD, 10,000 Hrs, loaded; 98 JD 7610, MFD, PQ w/JD 740 Ldr, 7700 Hrs; 06 JD 7520, MFD, PQ, 6200 Hrs.; 97 JD 7810, MFD, PQ w/LHR; 94 JD 7800, MFD, PS w/JD 740 Ldr, 11,000 Hrs.; 96 JD 7400, MFD, PQ, 8900 Hrs w/JD 740 Ldr; JD 4960, MFD, CAH, 6000 Hrs w/duals & wts; JD 4455 QR, 8500 Hrs; 88 JD 4450, QR, CAH, 9900 Hrs; 76 JD 4630, PS; 89 JD 3155, MFD, QR; 2 – JD 4320 Tractors, sharp; 05 NH TSA135, MFD, CAH, 6200 Hrs. w/2011 NH 850 Ldr; 04 NH TS 100, 2WD, CAH, 1200 Hrs w/Westendorf Ldr; 97 NH 8870, MFD, SS, 5900 Hrs; 96 Ford 7740 SLE, MFD, Rops w/Dual 255 Ldr; CIH 7110, MFD, CAH w/FH XL1140 Ldr w/grapple; 95 JD 8300 MFD, 11,000 Hrs w/Duals; JD 4955 MFD, 13,000 Hrs, w/Duals & wts; JD 4850 MFD, 13K Hrs, Duals; JD 840 Ldr (sold separate or as unit); JD 4640 Quad, 6000 Hrs w/Duals; IHC 1586, CAH, 6700 Hrs, w/Westendorf WL 42 Loader; JD 4230 PS, WF. 3 pt, Open Station; 80 JD 4440 Quad w/6628 actual hrs. & duals, sharp; 76 IHC 1086, CAH, 6000+ Hrs; JD 4440, CAH, 9000 Hrs, QR; JD 4630, CAH, sharp; 01 JD 7810, MFD, PS, 7100 Hrs w/ JD 740 Ldr; IHC 886, CAH; IHC 856 D., WF, 3 pt, cab; Ford 3000 Gas, WF, 3 Pt; AC 7060 PD, CAH, 7000 Hrs, Eng. OH, Black B; Ford 8600 & 9600 D. Tractors; Ford 3400 & 4000 Tractors w/Ldr; IHC 706 gas, WF, 2 pt; IHC 5088, CAH; IHC 5288 Tractor w/shifting problems; White 2-62, MFD, Rops w/White 1730 Ldr, 2885 Hrs, needs engine work; JD 4350, MFD, CAH, Quad (D range is out); JD 4955, MFD, PS was OH (not running)w/ JD 280 Ldr; SKID LOADERS – ROAD GRADER – LOADERS: JD 644B Payloader w/cab; 07 Case CT 445 Track skid loader, 80 Hp, 2300 Hrs, CAH; OMC 1200 A gas skid loader; Bobcat 440B skid loader; Bobcat 371 gas skid loader; Asst of new skid loader attachments; Wabco 666 D. road grader w/12’ molboard; LOADERS: New JD 740 Classic Ldr w/8’ bucket-JD mts; New JD 5 tine grapple fork; JD 720 Ldr w/6’ bucket; FH 258 Ldr w/grapple-JD mts; JD 158 Ldr; Koyker Loaders: (K5 & K6); Koyker 585 QT loader w/grapple-CIH Mag mts; Koyker 1585 Ldr; New Koyker Loaders (C155, C185, C200, 220); Westendorf WL 44 Ldr; FH XL 1140 Ldr w/grapple; JD # 534 Dozer, 9’; JD 10’ Dozer blade; Miller M12 Ldr-JD mts; COLLECTOR TRACTORS & MACHINERY: JD 4000 Gas side console, synchro, WF, 3 pt, 5000 Hrs, sharp; 69 JD 4000 D., synchro, side console, WF, 3 pt, 7400 Hrs, sharp; 65 JD 4020 D., synchro, sharp; 69 JD 4320 D. cab, synchro, sharp; JD 4020 LP Gas tractor, 2200 actual hrs.; JD 3020 Tractor; 2 – JD 620’s, NF, 3 pt; JD 630 WF & fenders; JD 3 pt for 630; JD 430 WF, 3 pt; JD 3020 Gas, WF, needs clutch; 2 – IHC B’s; IHC Model A; IHC 200 WF, 2 pt, fenders; IHC WK40 Gas; IHC Cub; IHC W4 Gas; IHC M, NF, engine OH; IHC 400 D., WF; IHC 350 Hi-Utility, 2 pt; IHC 350 Gas, Row Crop, 2 pt; IHC MD, WF; AC-D17 Gas, WF w/Dual 250 Ldr; AC D15, WF, 3 pt; AC D14, WF, 3 pt; Ford 2N, WF, 3 pt; IHC 400 w/Dual Ldr; 6 – JD PT plows, 2 – 3 - 5B; IHC 3B PT plow; IHC 2 pt rotary 6’ mower; IHC 1 bottom mtd plow (A); IHC 2 pt blade; IHC 2 pt cement mixer; IHC 2 pt, 2X disc plow; IH 2 pt 2X spring plow; Lindeman 3 pt 1X rollover plow; IHC 2 pt disk, 7’; JD 3 pt rollover 2X plow; IHC 3 pt rollover 3X plow; Oliver 2x16 PT plow; Oliver 3x16 S mtd plow; 2 – JD 4 x 16 plows, 3 pt; JD 3 x 16 plow; IH 4x14 plow; JD PT hay crimper; JD 8’ horse disk; JD gear on steel; 2 – steel gears; 2 Row potato planter; potato plow; JD #18 corn picker, 1 row; JD 3 pt Subsoiler; Oliver manure spreader; 1 row walking planter; High wooden wheel wagon; COMBINES – CORN HEADS – FLEX HEADS – GRAIN CARTS – GRAIN HANDLING 2001 JD 9650 STS, 2300/3800, duals, loaded; 2001 JD 9650 Walker, 4x4, loaded, sharp; 02 CIH 2388, chop, trap, tracker, 2300/3100 Hrs; 96 JD 9600, Duals, 2440/3320; 96 JD 9600 (2752/3580 Hrs.); 95 JD 9600; 90 JD 9600, 30.5’s (3728/4996 hrs.); 4 – JD 7720 Combines (83, 84,88); 4 – 6620’s (80, 82, 83); 81 JD 6620 Side Hill; JD 7700; 96 CIH 2166 Tracker, chop, trap, duals, 2500/3500 Hrs.; 87 CIH 1680, RT, chop; 2 – 87 CIH 1660’s, RT, chop; 90 CIH 1640, RT, chop, 3447 Hrs; 92 CIH 1660, RT, chop; 81 IHC 1460, 4400 Hrs; Fleaner R52, 1700 sep. hrs.; 89 Gleaner R50, hydro, 3611 Hrs, sharp; Contour Master attachment for JD 9500; 05 JD 9660 STS, loaded, 1300 HRS; 05 JD 9560 STS, loaded, 1400 Hrs.; CORN HEADS: JD Corn Heads: (444, 644, 643’s, 843’s, 844, 693, 893’s, 1293); IHC Corn Heads: (944, 1044, 863’s, 1063’s, 883, 983, 1083’s, 2208, 01-2212-12 row 20”); 2 - 89 Gleaner R Hugger, 6RN, nice; FLEX HEADS: JD Flex Heads: (2010-635F, 09-635F, 09-630F, 930F’s, 930, 925F’s, 925’s, 922, 920F, 920’s, 918, 224, 222, 220’s, 215); CIH Flex Heads: (2 - 06 & 05 – 2020’s, 30’, 3 – 1020-30’s, 1020-25’s, 1020-20’s, 1020-17 1?2’, 1020-15’, 820-20’); Gleaner R 15’ flex; 89 Gleaner R320 flex, sharp; 09 MacDon 38’ D50 draper head; IHC 810 dummy head; CIH 1010 ridgid, 25’; PMC header trailer; 2011 Studking 32’ & 38’ header trailers; GRAIN CARTS & GRAIN HANDLING: J & M 650 SA grain cart; Brent 920 grain cart w/scale; J & M 600 SA grain cart w/scale; A & L 650 TA cart; EZ Trail 500 SA cart; 2 - JD 500 SA cart; Underverth 4900 SA cart; Parker 450 grain cart; Uft 450 bu. grain cart; Demco 550 gravity box w/gear; 2 - Parker 200 bu. gravity box w/gear & drill fill; 250 bu. gravity box w/gear; 2010 Remm 2700 grain vac, 27 hours, like new; 99 Handlair 560 grain vac; Feterl 8” x 31’ auger hyd; Feterl 13” x 32’ auger electric; Westfield 8” x 36’ auger; 8” x 16’ auger; Westfield 8” x 61’ auger w/swing hopper; Feterl 12” x 34’ auger; Brandt 15” x 45’ hyd belt conveyor, like new; Repat 32’ cleated belt conveyor; Don & Christy Orth of Menno SD 605-660-3249 will sell: 82 Case 4690, CAH, 4x4, 3 pt, PTO, 2455 actual hrs. duals; 77 JD 4230, CAH, Quad, 8500 Hrs, engine OH; 74 JD 4430, CAH, Quad, 8613 hrs, engine OH w/Duals; Gehl 4625 Diesel 43 Hp skid loader, 1183 Hrs., 66” bucket; 90 NH TR96 combine, hydro, 24.5 x 32, chopper, 1998/2721 Hrs; NH 973 flex head, 25’; NH 974 corn head, 6RN; Shopbuilt Header Trailer; 74 White Day Cab, Detroit Diesel, 10 sp; 90’s Jet 22’ SA hopper trailer, 66” sides, roll tarp; 70 Ford F600 truck w/ 16’ box & hoist, V8, 5+2 sp, tag axle; 93 Blair 7 x 20’ GN TA stock trailer; 97 Honda 300 ATV, 4x4; 80 Honda Goldwing motorcycle, 59,000 miles; JD 7000 PT, 12RN planter w/LF; JD 8300 DD 13’ drill w/GSA; IHC 4700 PT, 28’ FC w/harrow; White 378 cultivator, 12RN; Top Aire 750 gal. TA sprayer, 60’ booms; NH 664 R. baler; H & S 12 wheel V-rake; HD 16’ trailer w/1500 gal. poly tank, pump & inductor; Westendorf WL42 loader, JD mts; bale spear; Killbros 375 bu. gravity box w/gear; Parker 350 bu. gravity box w/gears; Heider auger wagon; Feterl 10” x 66’ auger w/swing hopper; Koyker 8” x 55’ auger; Knight 1050 TA manure spreader w/slop gate; Harsh 360 mixer-feeder wagon w/scale; 2005 Stampede squeeze chute w/head gate & palp cage; Vilhauer ATV calf catcher, (1 yr. old); poly calf warmer; 550 gal. fuel tank w/pump; Alladin hot pressure washer, 220V; Don Wick of Winfred SD 605-351-5427 will sell his Case Collection: Case 1570 “Spirit of 76” Tractor, CAH, 3 pt, 7300 hrs, sharp; 2 – Case 1470 tractors, 4x4, cab, 3 pt (1 has PTO)-(1 needs engine work); 68 Case 1030 D., WF, 3 pt, 3400 hrs, sharp; 2 – Case 930 D. Wheatland (1 foot clutch & 1 hand clutch); Case 630 D., Eagle hitch, 3 range trans; Case 500 D. Wheatland; Case 400 D. row crop, Eagle hitch; CAT D2 Diesel Crawler dozer w/pony starter; 2 – Case 400 AR plows (5x18 infurl & 6x18 onland); Case CHT 5x16 PT plow; Case C 3x16 PT plow; Case M 3x16 plow, 3 pt; Case MRA 2x16 plow, 3 pt; Case T 2x16 roll over plow; Case IS PT picker/sheller; 24 Case wheel wts (12 - 30 to 90 Series), (12 – 400 to 830); 2 – pallets of Case parts; IHC #11 V-ripper 7 shank AR, 3 pt; Landpride 70” Tiller, 3 pt; Melroe 240 DD 12’ drill w/GSA; 150 gallon 3 pt sprayer; 2002 DCT 25’ GN flatbed, tandem duals; skid steer manure bucket w/grapple; Northstar 5500 watt generator; MFS 3 pt trailer mover; custom workstation w/tool boxes; PLANTERS – DRILLS – SPRAYERS 2006 JD 1790 CCS, 16-31 row planter, sharp; 2002 JD 1770 planter, 24RN, finger PU; 2 – 2001 JD 1770 Vac, 16RN; 98 JD 1780 Vac, 24 row 20”; 4 – White 6122 PT, 12RN planters, sharp; 97 JD 1760 Vac, 12RN planter; 92 JD 7200 Vac, 16RN, 3 bu boxes; 90 JD 7200 Vac, 12RN, wingfold; JD 7200 finger PU, 8RW; JD 7200 Vac, 8RN; JD 7300 Vac, 6RN; 2 – JD 7000 PT, 12RN; JD 7000 PT, 16RN w/LF; 2 – JD 7000, 8RW; JD 7100, 3 pt, 16 row 22”; 2 - JD 7100’s, 3 pt, 12RN; JD 7300 Vac, 12RN, folding; CIH 900, 3 pt, 12RN; CIH 950 PT, 8RW; CIH 900 PT, 8RW; IHC 800 PT, 8RW & 12RN, rearfold; 06 Kinze 3200 wingfold, 12RN w/LF, sharp; IHC 400, 6RN w/LF; 95 White 6100 PT, 8-15 row w/interplants; 91 White 6100 PT, 8RW, sharp; White 5100 planters (4RW & 8RW); Buffalo 7RN planter & cultivator; DRILLS: JD 750 NT, 15’ drill; 2 – JD 9300 press drills (16’ & 20’); 2 - JD 8300 DD 12’ drills w/GSA; JD LLA 24’ press drill w/GSA & hitch; IHC 620 press drill, 15’; Melroe 202 drill, 15’; Hiniker 4836 PT, 36’ drill; Hiniker 5800 air seeder, 24’; Asst. of planter attachments; GP 30’ PT DD drill; SPRAYERS: 2010 Top Aire 1200 gal. sprayer w/90’ booms, like new; 94 Wilmar 765 SP sprayer, air ride, 2760 hrs, 60’ boom, Raven 440, 600 gallon; GP AS 1000 gal. PT w/60’ boom, Raven 440; Hagie 280 D. highboy 75’ booms, 800 gal. w/trailer; Broyhill 9790, PT, 1500 gal., 90’ boom & monitor; Red Ball 680 PT, 1000 gal., 90’ boom; Broyhill 1000 gal. PT, 60’ boom; B & B 1000 gal. big wheel sprayer, 60’ boom; TILLAGE EQUIPMENT – MANURE EQUIP. – MISC. MACHINERY 2010 Salford 41’ Turbo till, like new; 2010 CIH 330C Turbo till 26’ w/ baskets, like new; 08 Sunflower 1434 RF, 34’ disk; CIH RMX 370 RF 34’ disk w/harrow; CIH 3950 RF, 24’ disk; CIH 496 RF, 24’ disk; CIH 496 RF, 28’ disk w/harrow; 2009 Great Plains, 24’ disk; Krause 4950 RF 30’ w/harrow; Ford/White 271 RF, 21’ disk; IHC 475 disk, 18 1?2’; BH 14’ disk; Kewanne 1020 disk, 21’; CIH 4200 soil finisher, 36’; 1976 RF 34’ disk; Krause 3960 RF, 36’ disk w/harrow; DMI 4200 FC; JD 714 disk chisel; 4 – CIH 4300 PT FC’s (30’ & 32’); CIH 4800 PT FC’s, 24’ & 27’; CIH 4900 PT, 34’ FC; 2 – JD 960 PT FC’s (32’ & 34’); Glencoe 28’ PT FC; Artsway 12’ PT chisel; Bushhog 3 pt chisel; Krause & Glencoe 18’ FC’s, 3 pt; 2 – IHC 4500 PT FC’s (22’ & 32’); JD 1100 FC, 24’ w/3 pt; IH 45 FC, 18’; White 226 PT 25’ FC; Feterl 7 section drag; JD 6RN cult; Soilmover 7 1?2 yd PT sprayer; B & H 9100 cult, 8RN; Hiniker ridge cleaner; Badger 3352 TA spreader w/gate; Roorda 300 manure spreader; Balzer TA manure spreader; OMC 16’ stalk chopper; Buffalo 15’ stalk chopper; Lucke 8’ snow blower; Lundell 8’ snow blower; IH 80 snow blower; 8’ snow blower; Red Devil 8’ snow blower; Wilmar 8 ton SS fert. spreader; Wilmar 6 ton fert. spreader; 2 – 97 Mobility 6 ton fert. spreaders; 2 – Wilmar 6 ton spreaders; 4 ton fert. spreader; 2011 Meridian 220 seed tender, like new; SWATHERS – HAY EQUIPMENT – SILAGE & FEEDING EQUIPMENT NH 2450 SP D cab w/ 14’ auger head; IHC 4000 SP gas w/15’ draper; 2008 NH 1441 disc bine; 2005 CIH SCX 100 Moco 16’, sharp; BH total load swather trailer; Hesston 1160 Moco, 16’; NH 116 Moco, 16’; JD 1600 Moco, 16’; JD Round Balers (568’s, 567’s, 566’s, 535’s, 410) many have net wrap; NH Round Balers (855, 688, BR780 w/ net); CIH Round Balers (3650, 8480, RS551); Vermeer Round Balers (2008-605M w/net, 2 – 605L, 605K, 605D); NI 4865 R. baler; Kirshner hay tedder; Gehl 2109 hay merger; IHC side rake; NH 56 side rake; JD 37 PT 9’ mower; Bushhog 7’ rotary mower; Hyline 7000 bale processor; Ford 501 mower, 7’; Gehl 5750 mixer feeder wagon w/scale; Farm Aide 340 mixer/ feeder wagon; Jaylor 3650 vertical mixer/feeder; Roorda 5 x 12 feeder wagon; Schwartz feeder wagon; JD 716A chuck wagon w/gear; Lorenz 85H & 100 grinder mixers; Gehl 120 G/mixer w/scale; Berg feed conveyor; 18” x 25’ belt conveyor; Lehmann 8 x 20 stack mover; 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ box blades; TRUCKS – TRAILERS – VEHICLES – TIRES - MISC. 2009 Dodge 3500 crew cab long box, 2200 miles, Diesel, auto, loaded, dually, same as new; 2008 Dodge 5500 reg. cab, 4x4, Diesel, 6 sp, 38,000 miles w/Bradford 11’ flatbed, sharp; 2007 Dodge 1500 SLT reg. cab, 4x4, V8, auto, long box, 39,000 miles; 05 Freightliner Cat, auto, cab & chassis; 95 White w/sleeper, N14 Cummins, 10 sp, 487,000 miles, sharp; 89 Kenworth T600 w/Simonsen 16 ton fert. tender; 80 Mack RD688 w/Simonsen 12 ton fert. tender; 02 Ford F 350 cab & chassis, 2WD, 7.3L auto; 78 IHC truck w/seed tender; 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4, 160K; 68 Ford F 600 truck w/ 1000 gal. water tank; 97 Ford F 350 4 dr pickup, 177K; 98 Dodge 3500 Ram pickup w/utility box, 208K; 04 Chevy Impala 4 dr, 139K; 69 Ford 700 tilt cab w/15’ box & hoist; 90 IHC 8100 cab & chassis; 74 Chevy C60 w/1600 gal. SS tank; 92 Ford E350 ambulance w/ 7.3 D & auto; 95 Chevy 1?2 ton D., 2WD PU; 2009 PJ 20’ Dually hyd. dump trailer; 08 Hawk 102” x 38’ GN flatbed 3 axle dually; 99 Wilson 50’ 3 axle hopper trailer; 2000 Maurer 42’ hopper trailer; 99 Timpte 42’ hopper trailer, air ride; 87 Merritt 42’ hopper trailer; 93 Timpte 42’ hopper trailer; 76 Merritt 20’ pup hopper trailer w/dolley & long hitch; 98 Dakota highboy sprayer trailer; 98 B & B Hiboy sprayer trailer; 02 Road King 36’ HD GN tandem dually flatbed w/ 9’ mesh sides; 2006 Kiefer 7’ x 30’ HD aluminum stock trailer; 92 Featherlite 7 x 22 GN stock trailer; 93 Featherlite 7’ x 24’ GN stock trailer; 87 Kiefer 7 x 22 stock trailer; 80 GN 7 x 20 stock trailer; GN 24’ stock trailer; 90 K&O 20’ GN stock trailer; Donahue 24’ implement trailer; JD 28’ implement trailer; 96 Redi Haul 22’ flatbed trailer; Homemade 7’ x 16’ TA trailer; 102” x 22’ grain box w/hoist; 18’ Van storage box; 2000 gallon SS water tank w/pump; 2 – 500 gallon propane tanks; 3 – 2000 gal. water tanks; 6 – 275 gal. chemical shuttles; saddle tanks; Foremost head gate; 3 pt portable cattle work chute; Precision combine rotor for Gleaner R or N; cattle panels; quick hitch; 18 x 38 tire chains; 3 bar harrow; 2 – GY 1050/50Rx25 tires; 2 – GY 1050/ 50Rx32 tires; 18.4 x 46 duals w/hubs; 18.4 x 42 duals w/hubs-JD 7810; 2 – 380/90x46 w/step up rims; 18.4 x 38 tires & duals; Asst of tractor tires & rims; 4 – 710/70x38 tires; 3 pt gopher machine; JD 726 snow blower, 7 hp; Pax 3 ton bulk bin; AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: A portion of the Auction will be available on Proxibid.com for online bidding with a 2 1?2 % buyers premium with a max of $ 750.00 per item. Another large interesting sale! Older Machinery sells at 9:00 AM sharp with 2 auction rings all day, 3rd ring starts @ 11:00 will sell vehiclestrailers-trucks. South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This ad is subject to additions and deletions. All consignments must have been approved by the Wieman’s. We have excellent loading and unloading equipment. We appreciate your business. We are in our 64th year of selling. Honest and fair treatment to all. Financing and trucking available. Sorry we are full! Come prepared to Buy! If you are driving a good distance – call to make sure your item is here. (Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South Dakota”). Our Next Auction is May 30, 2012. WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION CO., INC. (SINCE 1949) MARION SD 605-648-3111 or 1-800-251-3111 AUCTION SITE: 605-648-3536 or 1-888-296-3536 EVENINGS: Richard Wieman 605-648-3264 • Mike Wieman 605-297-4240 • Ryan Wieman 605-648-2970 Kevin Wieman 605-648-3439 • Derek Wieman 605-660-2135 • Gary Wieman 605-648-3164 For a detailed ad and some pictures call our office or visit our website at: www.wiemanauction.com e-mail address: wieman auction@yahoo.com
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Missouri Valley Shopper
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Yankton, SD 57078
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