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January 27, 2015 • Page 10 1200 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com Cars 1200 Cars 1200 2012 Honda Civic EX. 4/door Sedan/gray. 56,000 miles, excellent condition. Gets 30-42 mpg. $12,500. 605-760-7367. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 nani Cars 1240 nani CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) Boats - Watercraft 1435 1977 Boatel 36x14, steel pontoons 2-60hp. Mercury bigfoot outboard motors, completely refurbished 3 years ago. Asking $35,900 excellent condition (402)358-3343. GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-864-5796 or www.carbuyguy.com 1250 MORE VALUE For Your Advertising Dollar Missouri Valley Shopper Classifieds IN PRINT & ONLINE Scrap Iron Wanted Old Cars, Trucks, Buses, Farm Machinery, Grain bin removal. Roll off dumpsters available. Paying top dollar. Will pick up. Gubbels Salvage (402)640-6335 Coleridge, NE To place your ad, call: 605-665-5884 HELP WANTED Dispatcher/Logistics 1220 Vans 1996 Pontiac Transport-Van great runner-carrier. $1,150. 605-760-1705. 1225 Motorcycles ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLES WANTED. Cash paid for Harley Davidson, Indian or other motorcycles and related parts from 1900 thru 1970. Any condition. Midwest collector will pick up anywhere. Phone 309-645-4623 (MCN) 1270 Utility Trailers Trailer SALE! $100.00 off All 14,000 lb. Skidloader trailers, One Week, must mention this ad! 6'x12' V-nose, ramp door $2,750.00; Steel & Aluminum ATV/UTV open trailers. Dump Trailers, Close-out on Gooseneck 24k & 25k trailers. 515-972-4554 www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com (MCN) Automotive Parts 1410 Werner Service & Trucking is looking for a person with dispatch, broker and/or logistics experience. 8? pickup box, tailgate and bumper, off a 2014 Dodge. Black in color. Call 402-649-4817. Agriculture Sucker Rod & Pipe. All sizes for fencing and manufacturing. Menno, SD. (605)387-5660 (605)661-5050. Carpentry 1475 A Full-time Carpenter Available. No job too small! Free estimates. Lots of experience. Call Bob Edwards at (605)665-8651. For All of Your Carpentry Needs: Custom Built Windows, Siding, Garages, Additions, Patios and More. Call Andersh Carpentry at (605)661-1190. 1445 Childcare Providers In-Home Daycare has full & part-time openings ages 2 and up. Reasonable rates, licensed. References available. (605)661-7767. 1455 Computer Internet Baylor Computer Services Repair, Virus/Malware removal. Increased speed & performance! House calls. Clay (605)661-0494 1460 Contractors VERMILLION CONSTRUCTION CO. Poured Foundations, Flat Work; 40-Plus Years Experience; Commercial & Residential; Free Estimates. (605)658-2345. St. Edward & Columbus, NE Ask for Curt, to get more information Other Services ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-640-8195 (MCN) If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or died after using testosterone supplements, you may be entitled to monetary damages. Call 866-368-0546 (MCN) 1505 Painting Ace Painting-Tony Souhrada Interior, exterior painting. Wood staining & varnishing spray texturing. Serving Yankton, Vermillion and the surrounding area since 1981. Residential/Commercial/Farm. (605)463-2436 or (605)661-0179. Superior Painting Exterior & Interior painting. Window washing, free estimates. References available. (605)661-0972. 1555 Dogs - Puppies 1-Female & 1-male Shih-tzu Yorkie mix, 6-weeks old, $175/each. 1-female & 1-male Blue Heeler Bassett Hound mix, 6-weeks old, $50/each. (605)589-3121. Giveaway to a good home: Border Collie Lab Cross puppies. (402)357-2515. Custom Hay Grinding CROPLAND FOR SALE 77 acres- Emanuel Township, Bon Homme County, SD This land is located at the intersection of 296th St. and 415th Ave. in Emanuel Township, Bon Homme County, South Dakota, or from the intersection of SD Hwy 25 and SD Hwy 46, 9 miles west on Hwy 46 and 1 mile North on 415th Avenue, or approximately 9 miles north and 1 mile West of Tyndall, SD. The property is legally described as: West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W 1/2 NW 1/4), Section Thirty-six (36), Township Ninety-six (96) North, Range Sixty (60), West of the 5th P.M., Bon Homme County, South Dakota. Bon Homme County tax records show approximately 77 taxable acres. FSA production records show approximately 78.77 acres of cropland. Bon Homme County Soil Survey report shows the major soil types for this property to be Clarno-Ethan-Bonilla loams; Ethan-Bonilla loams; and Clarno-CrossplainDavison complex series soils. Interested parties are encouraged to inspect the property prior to submitting a bid. No warranties or representations are made as to actual acreage. Interested parties are responsible for verifying their own information. TERMS & CONDITIONS: - 10% of sales price (non-refundable) shall be paid upon acceptance of the final bid by Seller; the balance of sales price shall be paid in full at the time of closing on March 10, 2015. - Closing shall be on or before March 10, 2015. Possession shall be given at the time of closing on March 10, 2015. - Title Insurance will be used with a 50/50 cost split between Seller and Buyer for an Owner’s Policy. - Any easements and covenants of record go with the property. - Seller shall pay all the 2014 RE taxes, which are due in 2015. Call: 605-481-1549 NOTICE OF CHARLES MIX COUNTY REAL ESTATE SALE Wipf & Cotton Real Estate, LLC will offer the following parcels of real estate for sale at sealed bid auction at Wipf & Cotton Real Estate, LLC, 107 S. Main Avenue, Wagner, SD 57380, ph. 605-384-5471 on Friday, January 30, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. CST: Parcel 1: The SW¼ of Section 17, Township 97 North, Range 62 West of the 5th P Charles Mix County, South .M., Dakota, consisting and containing 160 acres, more or less. Parcel 2: The NE¼ of Section 19, Township 97 North, Range 62 West of the 5th P Charles Mix County, South .M., Dakota, consisting and containing 160 acres, more or less. Parcel 3: The NW¼, except the S-760’ of the W-645’ of the SW¼ of the NW¼, of Section 20, Township 97 North, Range 62 West of the 5th P Charles Mix County, South Dakota, .M., consisting and containing 148.75 acres, more or less. Please contact Ken Cotton or Steve Cotton for a bid packet, at ken@wipfandcotton.com or steve@wipfandcotton.com, or at the above phone number or office location. MICHAEL WEGENER IMPLEMENT, INC. Taking Consignments for Bid forms may be obtained from Kent E. Lehr, Attorney at Law, telephone (605) 583-4100 or via email at Lehrlaw@gwtc.net. Sealed written bids need to be submitted to the office of Kent E. Lehr, Attorney at Law, at 521 Main St., Scotland, SD 57059 no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday February 2, 2015. The 5 highest bidders will have the opportunity to raise their bid at a secondary bidding session on Monday, February 9, 2015 at the Law Office of Kent E. Lehr. February 26, 2015 LIVE AUCTION LIVE ONSITE AUCTION WITH INTERNET BIDDING! For further information, and to obtain bid forms, contact: Kent E. Lehr, Attorney at Law 521 Main St., PO Box 307 Scotland, SD 57059 Telephone (605) 583-4100 Email: Lehrlaw@gwtc.net. Kent E. Lehr, Attorney at LawClosing Agent and Seller’s representative SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS MICHAEL WEGENER IMPLEMENT, INC. Cornlea, Nebraska 402-923-1160 or 402-920-0006 www.wegenerimplement.com MV Shopper CLASSIFIEDS M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y IN PRINT and ONLINE To place your ad call... 605.665.5884 or drop by at 319 Walnut St. www.missourivalleyshopper.com
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
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