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July 17, 2018 • Page 3
Construction Permit For
Dakota Range Wind Project
Approved By PUC
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Public
Utilities Commission approved a permit
with numerous conditions for the construction of the Dakota Range Wind Project, a wind energy facility in Grant and
Codington counties capable of producing
up to 302.4 megawatts of electricity.
The project is expected to include up
to 72 turbines and associated facilities
located within an approximately 44,500acre project area 10 miles northeast of
Watertown, South Dakota. Dakota Range
expects to complete the $380 million facility in 2021.
The commission discussed and
voted on the conditions to be imposed
on the permit at a July 10 ad hoc meeting in Pierre. Aircraft detection lighting,
detecting and reacting to ice conditions
on turbine blades, and avian mortality
monitoring are among issues addressed in
the 42 conditions.
“As commissioners in a quasi-judicial
role, we are bound to follow what is
spelled out before us in state law and to
base our decision on facts and evidence,”
PUC Chairperson Kristie Fiegen explained.
“The conditions we arrived at address
landowner protections and the applicant’s obligations,” she said.
PUC Vice Chairman Gary Hanson
stated: “The comprehensive conditions
we imposed on the permit will ensure the
facility is built and operated in a manner that is
responsible and fair to all
parties as well as the environment.”
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Americans With Disabilities Act Day
PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard
our state,” said South Dakota Department
has proclaimed July 26 Americans with
of Human Services Cabinet Secretary
Disabilities Act (ADA) Day in South DaGloria Pearson.
Celebratory town events from public
The ADA prohibits discrimination
mayoral proclamations, socials, drives
against people with disabilities in employ- and picnics will continue throughout the
ment, transportation, public accommoda- month.
tions, commercial facilities, telecommuniFor more information on the ADA,
“State law lays out the criteria in which cations, and state and local government
please visit https://www.adaanniversary.
a permit must be granted. I believe this
project has met that burden,” Commis“The ADA has helped our state and
The proclamation coincides with the
sioner Chris Nelson said. “I extend my
nation to develop and promote the equal
28th anniversary of the signing of the ADA
thanks to the PUC staff, intervenors
opportunity, independence and full partic- by President George H.W. Bush in 1990.
and Dakota Range for the information
ipation of people with disabilities within
provided to the commission during this
Dakota Range filed its application
with the PUC on Jan. 24, 2018. State December 2nd & 3rd, 9th & 10th, 16th & 17th • 1-3:00PM
requires the commission to make a Bring Your Cameras!
decision within six months of receiving a wind
energy facility application. A public input
hearing was held in Waverly in March. An
evidentiary hearing was held in Pierre in
June. Parties to the docket included Dakota Range, PUC staff and 12 intervenors.
•Busch & Busch Light 30 pks ........... $14.79
Intervenors Kristi Mogen of Twin Brooks
and Teresa Kaaz of South Shore were ac•Old Milwaukee & Light 30 pks ........$14.99
tive participants, representing themselves
•Miller High Life & Light 30 pks ........$13.99
at the formal hearing and related proceedings.
•Bud & Bud Light 24 pks ........................$16.99
The Dakota Range Wind Project docket
109 W. 3rd St. • 605-665-7865 * Yankton Meridian District * www.yanktonrexall.com
can be viewed on the PUC's website at
www.puc.sd.gov, Commission Actions,
Electric Dockets, 2018 Electric Dockets,
EL18-003 - In the Matter of the Application
by Dakota Range I, LLC and Dakota Range
II, LLC for a Permit of a Wind Energy
Facility in Grant County and Codington
County, South Dakota, for the Dakota
Range Wind Project.
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