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July 16, 2019 • Page 3
Four More State Properties Listed On
National Register Of Historic Places
PIERRE, S.D. – Four
more South Dakota properties were recently added
to the National Register of
Historic Places, according
to the South Dakota State
Historical Society.
The properties listed
in late June are the Gale
Buildings in Canton, the
Shady Lawn School No. 8
near De Smet, the Pierre
American Legion Cabin,
and the East Side Fire Station and Branch Library in
Sioux Falls.
The National Register
is the official federal list
of properties identified as
important in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering and
culture. The State Historic
Preservation Office of the
State Historical Society
works in conjunction with
the National Park Service,
which oversees the National Register program, to
list the properties.
"South Dakota's history
is rich in American Indian
culture, pioneer life and
change," said Jay D. Vogt,
state historic preservation officer and director
of the State Historical
Society at the Cultural
Heritage Center in Pierre.
"The more than 1,300
state individual properties and districts listed on
the National Register are
important for their role
in South Dakota's culture,
heritage and history. And
when properties get listed,
it shows that their owners
take pride in their role in
preserving that culture,
heritage and history."
Buildings, sites, structures and objects at least
50 years old possessing
historical significance may
qualify for the National
Register, according to
Vogt. Properties must also
maintain their historic
location, design, materials
and association. Listing on
the National Register does
not place any limitations
on private property owners by the federal government.
Following is more information about these newly
listed properties.
Gale Buildings, Canton
The Gale Buildings are
located at 101 and 103-107
S. Main St. in Canton. Their
period of historic significance begins with Frank A.
Gale’s construction of the
Gale & Ward Bank in 1880
through the last phase
of historically-significant
architectural remodeling
in 1916. In 1882, Gale
purchased the adjoining
property and built a commercial building designed
to be similar to the bank in
height, finish and style of
The buildings are listed
for their significance by
four different criteria: First
is Community Planning/
Development as they are
two of the first commercial buildings erected to
solidify the location of
the city of Canton at its
present site. Next, they are
recognized in Commerce
for their long role in the
city’s commercial history.
They are also significant
for their association with
Gale. Not only was he an
active early resident of
Canton, influential in the
city’s commercial and
political history, but he is
also known for participating in key territorial political events leading up to
South Dakota’s statehood
in 1889. Finally, the structures are also important
for their Architecture as a
representation of Italianate
commercial construction
early in Canton.
Shady Lawn School No.
8, near De Smet
This one-room school
Mobile Disaster Recovery
Centers Coming To Turner,
Hutchinson Counties
PIERRE, SD – The State of South
Dakota and the Federal Emergency
Management Agency are sending
mobile Disaster Recovery Centers to
Turner and Hutchinson counties to
offer in-person support to individuals
and businesses that suffered losses
from the severe winter storms and
flooding from mid-March to late April
Representatives from the state,
FEMA, U.S. Small Business Administration, and other organizations will staff
the mobile centers to explain available assistance programs and help
connect survivors with resources that
best match their recovery needs.
Turner County
July 15-18 (Monday-Thursday)
Viborg City Hall
110 N. Main St., Viborg, S.D.
Hutchinson County
July 22-25 (Monday-Thursday)
County Court House
140 Euclid St., Olivet, S.D.
Both Centers are open 9 a.m. to 6
p.m. local time.
Individuals can visit any of the
centers for assistance. Use the FEMA
mobile app, or visit www.fema.gov/
DRC for additional fixed-site center
Check out the
house located in rural
Kingsbury County was
built in 1891. Shady Lawn
School No. 8 retains
integrity of location,
setting, design, workmanship, materials, feeling and
association. The original
floor plan is intact.
It is listed under the
Schools in South Dakota
(1999) Multiple Property Listing for historic
significance in the context
of education. It is significant because it represents
the development of
rural education, and it is
recognized for design and
construction as an excellent statewide example of
an early rural schoolhouse
constructed at the end of
the 19th century. Both exterior and interior features
represent the evolution of
teaching tools available
and the daily routine of
children and teachers as
they attended school.
Pierre American Legion
Cabin, Pierre
Located at 520 S. Pierre
St. in Pierre, the Pierre
American Legion Cabin
was built in 1942. It is
listed for its significance in
the areas of social history
and architecture.
Its importance under
social history is two-fold.
First, the National Youth
Administration (NYA)
constructed the cabin as
part of a New Deal program. It is the only known
NYA-constructed building
in Pierre. Additionally, it
is one of only two known
New Deal buildings still
standing in Pierre. Second,
the Pierre Post 8 of the
American Legion has
been headquartered out
of the building for the
last 77 years. Pierre Post
8 has been involved in
efforts that promote the
welfare of society locally,
statewide, nationally and
Architecturally, the
Pierre American Legion
Cabin is the largest log
structure in central South
Dakota and the largest
known Rustic Style building located outside of the
Black Hills.
East Side Fire Station
and Branch Library, Sioux
The East Side Fire Station and Branch Library
was built in 1916 and is
located at 600 E. 7th St. It
is locally significant under
the areas of Politics/Government and Education.
It is associated with the
growth of Sioux Falls during the first half of the 20th
century, including that
city’s expansion of municipal services to satellite
locations. It was also the
first city station designed
for motorized vehicles.
The library wing similarly
housed the first branch
of that institution for
the city. The library and
the nursery school that
subsequently occupied the
wing represent historically
significant elements of
educational development
in Sioux Falls.
At the time of construction, the balance of the
block was occupied by an
abandoned stone quarry.
In 1917, the city acquired
the quarry and converted
it into Library Park, now
called Heritage Park.
For more information
on the National Register
or other historic preservation programs, contact the
State Historic Preservation
Office at the Cultural Heritage Center, 900 Governors
Drive, Pierre, SD 575012217; telephone 605-7733458 or website history.
sd.gov/Preservation (click
on National Register of
Historic Places in the right
Financial Impairment On The
Farm Webinar Offered July 30
BROOKINGS, S.D. The I-29 Moo University
consortium of Extension dairy specialists
from Iowa, Minnesota,
Nebraska and South
Dakota will host a
Financial Impairment on
the Farm webinar from
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
on July 30, 2019. The
webinar is free and open
to all those involved in
production agriculture,
specifically producers
and agri-business personnel.
The program will
focus on issues producers face during times
of financial impairment
with emphasis placed
on mediation, reorganization options and
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy.
Donald Swanson,
attorney with Koley
Jessen in Omaha, and
Kristine Tidgren, Director for the Center of Ag
Law and Taxation and
an adjunct assistant
professor at Iowa State
University, will facilitate
the discussion.
There is no fee
to participate in the
webinar; however, preregistration is required.
To register, visit the
pre-registration website. After registering,
information on accessing the webinar will be
provided to attendees.
The webinar will also
be archived for viewing at a later date on
the I-29 Moo University
Consortium webpage.
For more information on this and other
programs, contact Fred
M. Hall, ISU Extension
at 712.737.4230 or by
email or Tracey Erickson, SDSU Extension at
The first step to receiving disaster
assistance is to register with FEMA.
You can do so:
In person at the Disaster Recovery
Go online to DisasterAssistance.
gov or DisasterAssistance.gov/es (for
Use the FEMA mobile app in English or Spanish.
Call the disaster assistance helpline at 800-621-FEMA (3362) or 800462-7585 (TTY) anytime from 7 a.m.
to 11 p.m. local time seven days a
week until further notice. Multilingual
operators are available.
All recovery centers are accessible
to people with disabilities. Centers
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The South Dakota counties now
designated for Individual Assistance
are: Bon Homme, Charles Mix, Hutchinson, Minnehaha, Turner and Yankton; the Pine Ridge Reservation to
include the counties of Oglala Lakota,
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