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November 19, 2013 • Page 2 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com Single And Staying On Track BY DAVE RAMSEY Dear Dave, Do you have any tips for how a single person can stay on track with their finances? — Debbie Dear Debbie, It’s really pretty simple. The first thing is the same Dave advice I give to married couples, and that is to live on a monthly budget. Sit down at the end of each month and write down — on paper — all your expenses and income for the following month. When you think about it, budgeting really isn’t that difficult. Some of your expenses, like your rent or mortgage payment, will be the same. If you have a car payment (which I really hope you don’t), it will remain constant, as well. Things like groceries and utilities may fluctuate based on the time of year, but you can make a pretty accurate estimate by looking at past months. The second thing I’d recommend is that you find someone to be your accountability partner. It RAMSEY should be someone who is wise and good with money and a person who loves you enough to call your bluff or hurt your feelings a little when necessary. They can be a close friend, parent or even your pastor. Just sit down together over a cup of coffee once a month and talk about your finances. You could even go over your budget together line by line. Ideally an accountability partner is someone who’s ahead of you on a particular journey and can help direct you along the path to wisdom. It’s their job to hold you accountable for what you’re doing and the decisions you’re making, for your own good! — Dave A PRODIGAL DAUGHTER Sara Bye Agency 24 Center street Vermillion, SD 57069 Phone: 605-670-2926 sbye@farmersagent.com -For All Your Insurance Needs- Dear Dave, My daughter used to live There were 1,485, 721,536 stones in the truck ahead of you ... and one of them just struck your windshield. Call For A FREE Estimate an irresponsible lifestyle and was bad with money, too. While she was in college she also took on $20,000 in student loan debt. Since that time she experienced a serious illness. She’s recovering now, and it has really changed her behavior and her outlook on life, spiritual matters and money for the better. I could pay off the loans for her, but I’m wondering if there’s a better way to help. — Eddie Dear Eddie, If I were in your shoes, and I had the means to pay off her student loan debt without putting myself at risk financially, that’s exactly what I’d do. Sometimes the best gift you can give a person is to let them wallow around for a while in the mess they made. Being forced to work your way out of bad decisions and irresponsible RON’S AUTO GLASS 605-665-9841 1915 Broadway, Yankton, SD Ron Evans, Owner Over 20 Years Experience BARKL FARM SERVICE SEED BOOKING DAY Saturday, November 23, 2013 • Noon - 6pm Lunch and Refreshments 605-660-2245 Featuring Nu-Tech seeds, hefty soybeans, Kaup forage and turf, and Ritchie waterers. We have Ritchie parts on hand. (5 1/2 miles west of Walmart on Hwy 50) Read & Recycle! behaviors is a great remedy in lots of cases. But in this situation, with what you’ve told me about her previous health issue, and the fact that she’s now being responsible with money, behaving and making better life choices, I’d want her to be as free as possible as she takes up this new walk. My advice is to try and be a huge blessing to your daughter. Right now, she’s a lot like the prodigal son. She’s come around in her thinking and realizes what’s right and what really matters. Give her the biggest hug she’s ever had, Eddie. Then, throw a party and write a check to knock out that student loan debt! — Dave My first wife came from a ranching family way back up in the hills and had a cousin, Ted, who was a hounddog man. I talked my way into hunting with him, of course. All went well until we were on the way home, when a badger ran across the road and dove into a large culvert pipe. "Oh wow!" Ted yelled. "Let's get him!" He released most of the hounds and they plugged the culvert pipe with bawling insults. In the dead center of the pipe was a snarling badger. "Gotta smoke him outta there," Ted said, lighting a cigar and handing it to me. "Now crawl in there and smoke that sucker out," he said. "You sure?" SCHUURMANS FARM SUPPLY 5 miles West of Tyndall on Hwy. 50 Corner of Hwys. 50 and 37 www.schuurmansfarmsupply.com Ph. (605) 589-3909 or Cell (605) 464-1113 See us for the entire Blizzard® line up! For All Your Steel Needs! STEEL SPECIALS • Flat Bars • Solid Bars • Angle Iron •Channel Iron • Round, Square & Retangle Tubing • Many More types of steel to choose from MISSOURI VALLEY 319 Walnut St. Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-5884 605-665-5884 "How many badgers you hunted?" So I crawled into the pipe with the cigar in my mouth, puffing away, and the badger actually backed up a few steps. Then Ted released his old dog from the car. He screamed in the other end of the pipe and grabbed that badger in the butt. The record for backing out of a culvert pipe with a glowing cigar in one's mouth was shattered. My wife told me that, as a member of the family, I could hunt with Ted all the time. After the divorce.... ------Give the gift of hearing this Christmas. Start your loved one off with a free hearing test at BELTONE. Call 1-866867-8700. read this you know… advertising pays! Call the Missouri Valley Shopper at 665-5884 665-7811 or stop by to place your ad today! Call us at 605-665-7532 319 Walnut St. • Yankton 4400 W. 31st St., Yankton, SD 57078 SHOPPER hopper Missouri Valley MISSOURI VALLEY and Join us at h S atur da y, No vem b er 3 0 tth d ay , N ov em be r Drawing approximately Saturday, November 23 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM SHOPPER You We Want to be Your Steel Supplier 3609 West 8th St. Yankton SD 57078 605-665-7433 asps@midconetwork.com What a sharp deal!! If EHRESMANN ENGINEERING Looking for the best deal in town? Check the CLASSIFIEDS! 1:45 p.m. Serving Refreshments Live broadcast Call for more information 605-589-3362 Toll Free at 1-888-877-5035 Open Mon. - Fr. 8-6 • Saturday 8-3 Located 1 Miles West of Tyndall, SD on Highway 50 YOUR HOMETOWN LOCALLY OWNED DEALERSHIP! HERE’S YOUR CUE ...to advertise in the Classifieds and get results Bargain hunters know one of the best places to shop for goods and services is in the classifieds! Whether you’re looking for sporting goods or a seamstress, horses or handicrafts, you can find it all in the classifieds! Call us today! SHOPPER MISSOURI VALLEY 605-665-5884 605-665-7811 319 Walnut St., Yankton, SD
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