April 21, 2015 • Page 2
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Dave Says
Sharing Successes
Instead of the philosophy counter, we were at
the righteous round table
yesterday, because Herb got
there first and he picked. It’s
a good venue at the Mule
Barn truck stop when you’re
expecting more than three or
four members of the world
dilemma think tank.
But we weren’t expecting
Here he came, Alphonse
“Windy” Wilson, feed store
philosopher extraordinaire,
and parlayer of his own
peculiar palaver.
“Hi guys,” Windy said,
“what a treat to discover you
all here in togetherness this
fine morning.”
“We’re here every morning, Windy, drag up a chair,”
said Doc.
“You fellas ever study
much about this here Big
Bang theory? Well, I reconnoitered it just a while ago
and it is seriously obfusticated,” Windy said. He
flipped his cup to the upright
and fillable position just as
Loretta arrived with the pot.
“Don’t make no sense to
me a-tall,” he said. “Yessir,
they says that about 13 billion years ago there wasn’t
anything here. Nothing. Well,
‘cept this little atomic thingie
‘bout smaller than a grain of
sand. Can you imagine? So
they tells us now that this little grain of sand one day just
decided to blow up.”
He doctored his coffee
and continued. “Now, I’m
not kidding on this. They
then says that when this tiny
thing blew up, it scattered
pieces all over the universe
Dear Dave,
My husband and I
are 28 years old. We’re
completely debt-free, and
and that those pieces got
we each have great jobs.
big and made Earth and
We don’t talk a lot about
Arcturelius and Geminizer
this kind of stuff, because
and all the stars. Yessir. One
little granulation of explosive we’ve found it causes
other people to treat us
sand! Now you tell me …
differently. We realize how
when you blow something
up, does it get bigger or
incredibly blessed we have
been, so we always try to
No one ventured to
give God the credit, save,
answer that. Finally, Doc
tithe and give regularly,
said, “Actually, Windy, recent
and not brag about these
thinking tends to disallow
things. How would you
the Big Bang theory. Says it
recommend handling a
didn’t happen that way.”
situation like ours?
Windy grinned. “I knew it
all along,” he said. “Yessir!”
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J&H Cleaning Services
The Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce hosted an
Expansion Ribbon Cutting for J&H Cleaning Services
located at 601 Burleigh St. Herb & Joan Danner,
managers of the business, professionally and efficiently
provide home and janitorial services. J&H Cleaning
Services is a locally-owned business in Yankton. They
now offer auto detailing along with these services:
carpet cleaning; janitorial services; duct cleaning;
upholstery cleaning; power washingm; property
turnover cleaning; window cleaning; water damage
restoration & 24-hour emergency service. Their
business hours are M-F 7am - 6pm and Sat. 9am - 12pm.
For more information go to their website at
www.jhcleaningsd.com or (605)665-2571.
Dear Amanda,
When you start to win
with money, build wealth
and achieve some of your
goals, you discover pretty
quickly that there’s a very
small group of people
you can celebrate with. It
sounds like you’ve discovered this already.
A lot of times there are
friends, and even family members, you can’t
celebrate with because
it comes off as bragging — even if you’re just
happy you’ve reached a
milestone. So, you learn to
keep lots of stuff private
and not even share the
good things. Still, if you
have a nice car or a beautiful home, these things
can indicate that you’re
successful. Even if they’re
a small percentage of your
financial world, it will
sometimes generate feelings of jealousy or envy in
other people.
Jealousy is, “I want
what you have.” Envy is,
“I don’t think I can have
what you do, so I don’t
want you to have it either.”
These are two really evil
spirits, and they’re loose
in our country today like
never before. Part of the
price of making smart decisions, and being wise with
your money, is that some
people don’t understand
when you win and don’t
think it’s fair.
But the truth is that
you guys have every right
to enjoy the fruits of your
labor. You’ve earned it.
You’re generous, giving
people, and you take care
of your family so the rest
of us don’t have to pay
extra taxes to take care of
them for you. That’s the
truth about winning with
money. You guys are under
no obligation to explain
your income, net worth
or the fact that you’re
winning. And you’re not
obligated to be ashamed of
it either!
Pay It, But With Caution
Dear Dave,
I got a department store
credit card, using my real
age at the time, when I was
17. I ran up a debt of $150,
and the balance has grown
to over $350. This was 10
or 12 years ago, but a debt
collection agency started
calling again the other day
wanting the money. Hasn’t
the statute of limitations
run out by now? What
should I do?
Dear Elizabeth,
There is a statute of
limitations, but there are
a couple of other things
to consider, too. First,
the debt is not collectible
because a minor alone
cannot enter into a legally
binding contract in any
state. The second thing
is they can screw up your
credit report for a very
long time, and it sounds
like they’re in the process
of doing that right now.
Here’s my advice. Call
them and explain that they
are past the statute of limitations, and that you are
considering suing them. After that, remind them that
you were a minor when
someone approved you for
the card, which means the
store you signed up with
can be sued as well.
However, since you did
take stuff from the store,
offer them the original
$150 to settle the deal.
Get it in writing that the
account is settled in full
by this amount, and don’t
give them electronic access to your money. When
you get the settlement offer in writing, keep a copy
of the letter and a copy of
the cashier’s check you’ll
use as payment.
Pay it because you owe
it, Elizabeth. It’s a moral
issue. And hopefully as a
result you can get these
kinds of people out of your
life for good!
*Dave Ramsey is
America’s trusted voice on
money and business. He has
authored five New York Times
best-selling books. The Dave
Ramsey Show is heard by
more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than
550 radio stations. Dave’s
latest project, EveryDollar,
provides a free online budget
tool. Follow Dave on Twitter
at @DaveRamsey and on the
web at daveramsey.com.
2014 - 2016 Smarter
Lunchrooms Sub-Grants
BROOKINGS, S.D. - The South Dakota Department
of Education, Child and Adult Nutrition Services (SD
DOE CANS) in collaboration with SDSU Extension are
pleased to announce the Smarter Lunchrooms subgrant opportunity.
“The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement and
techniques are based on the principles of utilizing
environment cues to influence healthy eating
behaviors,” said Megan Olesen, SDSU Extension
April 22 – 25 & 27 at 7:30 p.m. and April 25 & 26 at 2 p.m.
Nutrition Field Specialist. “Budgets are tight and time
Adults $15 • Senior Citizens (62+) $12
is often in short supply. The Smarter Lunchrooms
Youth & Non-USD Students $10 • USD Students with ID $5
Movement recognizes these factors by providing
To Purchase Tickets: 605-677-5400 or www.usd.edu/theatre
research based and affordable solutions for
Ten, $1,000 grants are available, and can be
This event is partially sponsored by a generous donation from the First Bank & Trust and the USD Student Government Association. If
applied for now through May 1, 2015. The sub grants
you are a person with a disability and need a special accommodation to fully participate, please contact Disability Services at 605-677are provided by USDA
6389 48 hours before the event.
Team Nutrition State
Training Grant 20142016.
Any South Dakota
school district or
organization that
participates in the
National School Lunch
program and has a full
lunchroom that serves
students in grades 7-12
is eligible for the grant.
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Notification of grant
$8,795 1-year warranty, along with 6 years extended service.
approval will occur by
Now only $40,995
May 15, 2015.
28x68 Advantage - This amazing 4 BR home, just under
For applications,
ft., is loaded with features, including beautiful
SAVE 1800 sq.kitchen cabinets, huge built-in entertainment cenvisit iGrow for the
$21,815 ter and a cozy den snuggled in amongst bedrooms 2,3 & 4.
electronic version or
Now Only $91,995
print version of this
release. Once your
16x80 Aspen Villa - The gorgeous front kitchen will
application is filled out,
you fall in
SAVE makeyou as you love with our Aspen Villa. Cabinets galore
enter through the spacious living room/
mail, fax or email the
$11,220 kitchen. Take advantage of its drastically reduced price.
completed application
Now Only $51,995
to Olesen at Megan
28x60 Roosevelt Modular - Luxury oozes out of our
Olesen, 1800 E Spruce
Heritage Roosevelt Modular. With just under 1700 sq. ft.,
St, Mitchell, SD 57301
SAVE this comfortable 3BR home boasts big bedrooms, huge a
utility room, beautiful kitchen with walk-in pantry and
or Fax: 605.995.8089.
$20,500 luxurious master suite with garden tub, walk-in shower and
enormous walk-in closet.
For more
Now Only $99,995
information, contact
Olesen at 605.995.7382.
Additional information
can be found
on the Smarter
Lunchroom Movement
website, www.