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March 13, 2018 • Page 2 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com Dave Says A Little Bit Out of It Layoff Insurance? By Daris Howard Dora and Frank were some older neighbors that I often visited. They lived in a little trailer house. In the winter, I would haul wood from their shed and stack it by their door to make it more convenient for them to keep their house warm. One winter day when I arrived, they weren’t home. That was a little bit unusual because they seldom went anywhere in the winter. But I didn’t think too much about it. I figured they must have gone to the store or something. I set to work refilling their wood supply. I also shoveled their walk and chipped off the ice. Just as I was finishing and preparing to leave, another neighbor stopped to visit with me. “You’ve heard that Dora’s in the hospital, haven’t you?” he asked. “No,” I replied. “What’s the problem?” “She had an allergic reaction to something,” he said. I decided I would pay Dora and Frank a visit at the hospital, but I was too dirty and sweaty to go directly there. I hurried home and showered and changed. I then drove to the hospital. When I arrived, I checked in at the front desk, and they told me where Dora was. I went to her room and knocked on the open door. Frank, a man of few words, beckoned to me to come in. Dora greeted me, and we visited briefly before the doctor came in. He told Frank the hospital needed to run some more tests, and Frank nodded. But when the doctor started to visit with Dora, she appeared frightened. “Dora,” the doctor said, “it’s time to take you upstairs.” Suddenly, Dora started to yell. “No! No! I don’t want to go!” She tried to get up, almost ripping the I.V. from her arm. The doctor stopped her, but not without great effort. He hit the nurse-call button to get additional help. A nurse appeared and joined in the fray, but Nora was fighting like a lion. They called for more help. Frank and I moved out of the way as another nurse and an orderly came in. It took all of them great effort to keep Dora from escaping. The doctor asked Frank if they could give Dora a sedative to calm her, and Frank nodded. With a quick shot into her IV, Dora finally settled down and was soon asleep. That was when they took her for some more tests. I said goodbye to Frank as he headed to the elevator with them. The next day, after work, I went to the hospital to see how Dora was doing. Frank nodded a hello as I came in. Dora was Sioux Falls, SD — Are you or someone you know age sitting up eating her dinner. “So how are you doing today?” I asked her. 50 or older using life experience to give back, solve probDora shoved her food to the side. “I think I need to exlems or change lives? If so, nominate them or yourself plain about yesterday,” she said. for the AARP Purpose Prize. Five winners will receive “Only if you want to,” I replied. $60,000. “The thing is,” she said, “when you came, I was still a litNominating someone for the AARP Purpose Prize is tle out of it from my allergic reaction. And when you come to fast, easy and open to anyone 50 and older who is making visit us, it’s almost always in our home. So, as we sat there a difference in our communities. All nominations for the visiting, I somehow got the idea I was at home. AARP Purpose Prize must be received by March 31, 2018. “Then, as we visited, the doctor came in, and I couldn’t Visit www.aarp.org/purposeprize to submit a nomination. figure out who he was or why he was in my home dressed The person you nominate may be named one of five in white. But then when he said he was going to take me upAARP Purpose Prize winners, each of whom will receive stairs, my mind reminded me that our trailer didn’t have an upstairs. And as I sat there staring at him, in his white robe, $60,000, or they may be named one of 10 AARP Purpose it came to my mind that the upstairs he was talking about Prize Fellows, each of whom will receive $5,000. was heaven. I was sure he was the angel of death, and he had AARP Purpose Prize winners come from all walks come for me.” of life — they’re your co-workers, neighbors, teachers, I laughed. “Dora, as hard as you fought, the angel of death former colleagues, and friends. Although organizations would have had his hands full taking you. It’s too bad you can range in size from the very local to national or even weren’t entered in Olympic wrestling.” international in scope, AARP Purpose Prize winners Frank smiled and said some of the few words I’d ever go beyond individual volunteering to take on a specific heard him say. He said, “She could have won the gold.” Keep It In Your Own Pocket! Dear Dave, Some of the people I work with have been buying into a new kind of sup- Dear Dave, plemental insurance that protects I just filed taxes, and it looks like I’ll get a pretty big refund this against layoffs. It costs about $30 a year. A friend of mine told me I should adjust my withholding, so month per person, and the full payout I don’t get a refund. This seems pretty dumb to me. Why would I if you’re laid off is $9,000. It seems to change my withholdings when I’m getting money back? me you would have to be paying in for James a long time to see that kind of return, so I wanted to see how you feel about Dear James, this kind of thing. The only reason you’re getting a refund is because you had too Steve much taken out of your paychecks in 2017. Let’s say your refund is $3,500. Basically, you loaned the governDear Steve, Anytime insurance is there for some- ment $3,500 of your own money, interest-free. A refund isn’t a gift Dave thing you could cover yourself, it’s a good or reward, James. It’s your own cash that you get back because idea to stop and remember that every insur- you paid in too much during the previous year. In your case, that ance company is still a business. They must adds up to almost $300 a month! cover all the costs of operation, plus make a Instead of loaning the government money that you worked hard to earn, wouldn’t it be a better idea to keep it in your own pocket? profit. Believe me, that takes a lot of money. — Dave Statistically speaking, if lots of people cashed in on a policy like this an insurance company would go out of business. We’re talking about only $30 a month to cover $9,000. That alone tells you not * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven bestmany people cash in. It’s gimmick insurance. On average, you’re losing money when you buy insurance of any selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave kind. Again, on average, over the scope of your lifetime you’d be Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each better off simply saving money and self-insuring against things week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow like this. The only things I recommend buying insurance for are Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramthings you can’t afford to cover personally. But you can afford to sey.com. cover a layoff by saving an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses. If I’m in your shoes, Steve, I’m not buying that stuff. — Dave RAMSEY “WHEN I WAS LOOKING FOR A JOB, I PUT THE CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK!” Our Help Wanted Listings Have Hundreds Of Opportunities For You... • Full-Time • Part-Time • Permanent • Temporary 319 Walnut • Yankton, SD 605.665.5884 ning & nt Di tainme Enter C.J.’s at the Lake Weigand Rd. NE Side Of The Lake • 402-388-4267 Great Food – Fantastic View – Awesome Wild Animal Display Friday & Saturday All You Can Eat Fish & Grilled Shrimp Or Grilled Shrimp & Chicken $10.95 Sunday Breakfast Buffet Book Your Next Party At CJ’s! Call 402-388-4267 Patty’s Dance St Utica Hall Saturday, March 17th 8:00PM to Midnight Clay Creek Band $10 Cover Charge At The Door Get Your Green On! It’s St. Paddy Time! Entertainment 9:30pm-1am Karaoke Unlimited by Tammy Wear Green For A Wee Bit Of Fun!! Saturday, March 17th Specials! Ribeye or Prime Rib $18.95 Served With Potato, Vegetable, Soup, Salad & Dessert Bar Always! Homemade Goodness! Serving 5-9:00pm ~ Reservations Appreciated Ron’s Service Tripp, SD 605-935-6076 OR 605-770-7881 AARP Seeking Nominations For AARP® Purpose Prize® Award social problem in a sustained, systematic, and measurable way. Included within the AARP Purpose Prize is the Andrus Prize for Intergenerational Excellence which recognizes work that brings multiple generations together for a better community. “This past November, AARP recognized the tremendous, community-focused work of five extraordinary individuals age 50-plus, each of whom received help to fund their ongoing work,” said AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins. “This year, to celebrate AARP’s 60th anniversary, we have increased the prize level, for each of five AARP Purpose Prize winners, to $60,000 and we will name 10 AARP Purpose Prize Fellows, each of whom will receive $5,000.” For more information about the Purpose Prize, including the nomination and application process, and prize eligibility, odds, disclosures, and official rules, please visit www.aarp.org/purposeprize Ron’s Auto Glass Home Auto Business Glass Repair & Replacement 605-665-9841 1915 Broadway Street, Yankton www.ronsautoglass.com Meeting of Local Review Board Mission Hill Township (N) As per South Dakota Codified Law 10-11-13 Notice is hereby given that the governing body, sitting as a Review Board of Mission Hill Township (N) in the County of Yankton, South Dakota will meet at Vangen Lutheran Church, Mission Hill on Monday, March 19th, 2018 at 7:00PM (being the 3rd Monday in March) for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said taxing district. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment are required to notify Township Clerk of the local board in writing no later than Thursday, March 15th, 2018. George Wathier, Clerk 30480 NE Jim River Rd Mission Hill, South Dakota 57046 st Prices Be n Town! I Windy Wilson came in to the philosophy counter just about the time we’d finished the hash browns with chile on the side. Red, of course. Windy looked terrible. “What’s wrong, Windy?” “These here folks today …” he said. And we gulped a bit when we hear a sentence begun that way. “Folks today…” he sounded resigned, “they don’t ever try to unnerstand folks who ain’t perzackly like them. And people who have a leetle handiclap? Fergit it!” Yep. Windy talks like that. “What happened, Windy?” “Wellsir, Doc, you know I been gittin’ a leetle hard a-hearin’ recently. Sometimes gotta ask somebody to say somethin’ twice … you know?” We all knew. “It’s that ding-danged tea kettle,” Windy said. “You know … got a whistler on it for when the water boils up? Cain’t hear it. I gotta be right in the ding-danged kitchen to hear it.” “So you got some hearing aids?” Steve asked. “Naw, cost too much. What I figgered to do was jest make that tea kettle louder. I saw one a them coach whistles in the store and I got that fer only $3.59. Then I got me a little piece of tube thing and I glued ‘er all together. Hey, looks good, too. I figgered, that there steam would come out and actuaralialize that coach whistle, and I know I could hear that.” “Did it work, Windy?” “Work? Well, I should smile it worked,” he said, proudly. “I was admirin’ that sound. I could hear it even out in the back yard. Yessir. ‘course my dog, Ramses, he wouldn’t come back in, but it’s a nice day. It’s them other folks.” He took a sip of coffee. “Wellsir, first thing happens is Old Man Johnson next door, he calls the fire departmentals and tells ‘em my smoke alarm is goin’ off. Then Mrs. Garcia over the way, she calls the cops and says my burglar alarm is goin’ off. That ol’ brown dog of the Simpsons started barkin’ and runnin’ off toward Lewis Crick. Them kids at the playground thought recess was over and went back in to class.” Windy shook his head. “First thing ya know, sireens We’ll M Local Advertis atch All ing Prices! Lord Calvert $1 5.99 1.75 ML Karkov Vodka $1 0.99 1.75 ML Black Box Wine $ s 18.99 3 Liter Bo xes Natural Light $1 4.29 36 Pack Cork N Bottle for 30 Pack Price 1500 Broadway, 665-3881 and flashing lights up and down the street. Oh well … two good things come of it, though.” “Two things?” “Yep. I can hear that kettle now, and I noticed I ain’t got no more gophers in the yard.” Interested in this spot? INTERESTED Call 665-5884 to place your ad here. www.miss Call 665-5884 t
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