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June 26, 2018 • Page 7
Seeing Stunted
Yellowing Corn In Patches?
BROOKINGS, S.D. - If growers are seeing stunted yelling
corn in patches, it could
be due to corn nematodes,
said Emmanuel Byamukama,
Assistant Professor & SDSU
Extension Plant Pathologist.
"Several plant parasitic
nematodes infect corn leading to reduced plant vigor,
stunted growth and yield
loss," he said.
Plant parasitic nematodes
are microscopic worm-like
organisms that live in the soil.
They have a "feeding strawlike" structure called a stylet
that they use to injure the
plant roots and suck nutrients from the plant cells.
"Some of the nematodes
feed from the outer surface of
the root without entering the
root (ectoparasites), whereas
other types enter the root
and feed from within the root
(endoparasites)," Byamukama explained. "Infected
roots have reduced water and
nutrient uptake and wounds
created by nematode feeding
can be entryways for fungal
Byamukama added that
nematodes, in general, are
slow movers.
"They are spread through
tillage and water movement
within the soil," he said. "This
is the reason corn plants with
severe nematode infection
appear in patches (Figure 1),"
he said.
Nematode infection in
corn usually goes unnoticed
or can be mistaken for other
diseases such as root rots
or nutrient deficiency. Yield
loss due to nematode infection can still occur without
necessarily observing above
ground symptoms.
Sampling for Corn Nematodes
The first step to effective
nematode management, Byamukama said is diagnosing
the type and density of corn
nematodes in the soil.
"Since corn nematodes
can be inside the root and
also on the surface of the
root, diagnosis of these
nematodes requires sampling
both soil and corn roots," he
For fields suspected to
have corn nematodes, four to
six plants should be carefully
dug out without injuring the
roots when corn is still young
(before V6).
The stalk can be cut off
and only the root mass sent
to the Plant Diagnostic Lab:
SDSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic,
SPSB 153, Box 2108, Jackrabbit Dr., Brookings SD 57007.
To increase chances of determining if nematode infection is causing the symptoms
being observed, Byamukama
encourages growers to collect another set of four to six
plants from parts of the field
with no symptoms.
To sample the soil, use a
probe or a shovel to obtain
20 cores of soil between 6 to
8-inches within the root zone.
Soil from non-symptomatic areas should be collected
separately to determine
population densities in symptomatic and non-symptomatic
Up to 2 cups of soil for
each location within a field
can be mailed or dropped at
the SDSU Plant Diagnostic
Corn Nematode Management
Every corn field may, to
some extent, harbor corn
"What determines the
need to apply corn nematode management practices
is the type and density of
nematodes infecting corn in a
given field," Byamukama said.
For instance, he explained,
the threshold for needle
nematode is 10 nematodes/
100 cubic centimeters of soil
whereas for spiral nematode,
the threshold is 1000 nematodes.
"That is why it is important to have the soil and corn
plants tested in the lab to de-
termine the type and density
of different nematodes infecting corn," Byamukama said.
The most common
management practice is crop
rotation. However, some the
nematodes that infect corn
can also infect other crops
such as soybean.
"Therefore, this practice
alone may not be effective
against certain nematodes
that have a wide host range,"
Byamukama said.
Nematicide seed treatments are another corn nematode management practice.
The commercially available nematicide seed treatments include Aveo, Avicta
Complete, Nemastrike, and
Poncho Votivo.
2 Day Household, Antique & Collectible
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018
Located: - Wausa, NE - City Auditorium
AUCTION Starts @ 4:30 PM Tinker Concessions
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Please join us for this late afternoon Auction
for Phyllis Nelson. We will be offering the Household, Tools, Garage
Items from Phyllis’ home. All items are exceptionally clean and would be
a nice addition to anyone’s home. This session of this Auction will last
approx. 2 to 3 hours. Items will be located in the lower level of the Wausa,
Nebraska City Auditorium. You will also have the opportunity to view the
outstanding items that will be sold on Saturday in the upper level. Visit
HOUSEHOLD: Sears Cold Spot Refrigerator/Freezer. Hot Point Electric
Stove. Crosley Chest Type Freezer. G.E. Automatic Washing Machine.
Maytag Neptune Electric Dryer. Newer Modern Style China Hutch. Rose
Colored Recliner. Large Modern Dresser w/ Mirror – “American Drew
Inc.”. Rubbermaid 2 Door Storage Cabinets. Book Shelves. Haier Dehumidifier. Asst. Pots & Pans, Baking Dishes, Electric Roaster. Several
Small Kitchen Appliances. Fabric, Sewing Supplies & Craft Supplies.
Many Seasonal Decorations. Hoover Upright Vacuum. Luggage. Several CD’s. Plus, Other Misc. Household Items too numerous to mention.
LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS & TOOLS: Craftsman 6.75 hp. Walk Behind
Lawn Mower – Like New. Wheel Barrow. Step Ladders. Wheel Barrow.
Asst. Tools, Wrenches, Sockets Etc. Fishing Equipment. Rakes, Shovels,
Garden Tools Etc. Hydraulic Jacks. Asst Hand Tools of All Types. Asst. of
Electric Tools, Drills, Saws, Sanders, Etc. Plus, many more misc. items
too numerous to mention.
12:00 • Sunday, July 1, 2018
Lunch Served
National Guard Armory (603 Princeton) Vermillion, SD
Auctioneer notes: for pictures and more go to Dakotarealty.com
2003 Ford Explorer great shape with 150,000 miles
Coins: 80 quarters dates up to 1964, 2 1935 Indian head nickels, 1936 Indian head nickel, 1898 Liberty
nickel, 1910 V cent nickel, 1937 Buffalo head nickel, Misc. coins 1971 Ike Dollar, 1987 Canadian dollar, 4 Sacejewia dollars, 2 Susan B Anthony dollars, state quarter, 2 centennial quarters, 10 misc. date
nickels, 5 uncirculated nickels various dates, One box of miscellaneous stuff.
Ed Lammers Estate: Maytag washer/dryer, Bedroom set (frame, headboard, pillow top mattress,
dresser, end table), Bed frame, Office chair, Vintage chair, Vintage whiskey barrel, Metal shelving,
Kitchen items, Vintage sewing machine, Vintage lawn furniture, Grill/BBQ tools, Fireproof locking
4 drawer file cabinet (with key), Mechanics creeper, Gravis Black Hawk joystick, Snorkeling & tennis
equipment, Projection screen, Japanese items.
Joe Glenn: Antique display cabinet, red leather sofa, lg coffee table, end tables, 2 antique trunks,
patio chairs, lg. South Dakota picture, sitting chairs, Piano, King size bed w/mirror dresser, golf bags,
banana box, small church pew, body guard treadmill, USD memorabilia, dehumidifier, rugs, patio
table, surround sound system, queen bed, double bed, Sony TV, folding, dressers.
Henriksen: 6E electric stove, microwave, desk, antique pump organ, microwave stand, books, antique
jars, dishes, knick knacks, wooden shelves, quilt rack, cap collector, coffee table, sitting chairs, lamp,
pictures and frames, silver pieces, antique door.
Guest: Primitives, wash tubs, old keys, violin, mantle clock, boat oars, paddles, pyrex, cast iron, marbles, nest of bowls, Terry Redlin steins, Budweiser clock, Budweiser glasses, Coke collection, enamelware, Remington Wildlife, Art collection, Dale Earnhardt Nascar collection, Harvick & J.J. die cast
cars, many unopened boxes.
Jane Bowker: 8 H.P. 26” Yard Machines Snow blower w/electric start, extension ladder, rakes, shovels,
hutch, sitting chairs, end table, couch, dining room table w/4 chairs 2 leaves, dresser, dresser w/mirror.
Bob Peitz: Panasonic 42” TV w/ stand, Panasonic 65” TV w/stand, JVC CD/Radio system w/subwoofer, BOSE Acoustimass 7 speaker system, BOSE Acoustimass Series III speaker system, Panasonic digital phone, SONY 5.1 chancel AV 400 watt amp receiver, speaker stands, 2 Harley Davidson
full face helmets, 2 Harley Davidson fork bags, Kuryakym motorcycle dresser backpack, box step for
late model Tundra, 2 collectable Jack Daniels bottle bags in boxes, 2 antique International tractors, 3
portable humidifiers, 220 garage heater, 2 small pet carriers, Hand held pet eraser vacuum, heated
water bowl, dorm refrigerator, deep fat fryer, microwave, cooler, Mr. Coffee, juicer, Prestor rotating
pizza oven, Numerous kitchen items, 2 upholstered benches, 40” round glass top coffee table w/4 tuck
under stools, Wizard of Oz Halloween leg lamp, Fall & Halloween decorations, 4’ Christmas wreath,
lights, decorations, lg. 12 pc. Nativity set, 5 ½’ wooden cut out antique Santa, 2’x3’ white board tripod
stand, 7’ cashmere Christmas tree, 4’ white fiber optic Christmas tree, digital bathroom scale, gorilla
shelving, 15 sheets 1”X4” pegboard, shipboards hook, Suncast hose reel w/100’ hose, Bosch circular
saw, 10” table saw w/stand, 18” electric chain saw, 24” hedge trimmer, 10’X12” (approx..) white back
drop, 10”X12” (approx.) black carpet back drop, Dumb bells and exercise equipment, Queen size
inflatable bed, bedding, curtain valances w/rods, decorative pillows, outdoor planters, assorted books,
CD’s, DVD’s.
Annar Pedderson: Table w/6 chairs, 2 end tables, electric portable grill, 3 wheel scooter (battery operated), and 2 walkers.
Madsen Auction Service
Gary Madsen 605-638-0643
Hazen Bye 605-670-0422
and Jim Brady 605-670-9638
2-Bedroom Single Story Home w/2 Garages In Irene at
Located: - Wausa, NE - City Auditorium
AUCTION Starts @ 9:30 AM Tinker Concessions
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Wow what a line up we have for this Day # 2
Session of the Phyllis Nelson property. This is an Auction you will won’t
want to miss. There is a fantastic offering of Collectibles, Furniture, Primitives and items that the Nelsons have had for years. This is only a partial
listing of what will be sold. The Auditorium will be full and the selection
will be wonderful. You don’t find auctions quite like these anymore. Visit
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Oak Curved Glass China Hutch – Extremely Nice. Large Square Oak Dining Room Table w/Several Leaves.
Set of Pressed Back Chairs. Wainscoting Dry Sink. Vintage Medium Size
Safe on Wheels. Spoon Carved Commode & Chest of Drawers. Oak 5
Drawer High Boy Chest of Drawers. Wooden Dresser w/Mirror and Hankie Drawers. Wooden Chest of Drawers w/Carved Handles. Wooden 2
Door Cabinet w/Top Drawers. Wooden Wash Stand. Small Wrought Iron
Bench. Vintage Blonde Bedroom Set w/Bed. Dresser & Chest of Drawers.
Parlor Tables. Small Primitive Tables. Numerous Wooden Chairs. Small
Glass Display Cabinet. Floor Lamps. Oak Fern Stands. Cob Box. Vintage
Speed Queen Wringer Washer. Iron Baby Bed. Wicker Baby Strollers.
Large Selection of Depression Glass; Asst Colors, & Types – including
Berry Sets Etc. Many pieces of Carnival Glass. Royal Doulton China Set.
Large Set of Style House Fine China. Cut & Pressed Glass Pieces. Several Pieces of Roseville & Hull Pottery Pieces. McCoy Pottery Pieces.
Oak Kitchen Clock. Shirley Temple Pitcher & Bowl. Many fine examples
of Painted Plates, Bowls & Pitchers. Many Kerosene Lamps. Blue & White
Plates. Set of Silverware. Baby Plates. Cream & Green & Gray Enamelware. Pitchers & Bowls. Toby Mugs. Very Large offering of Vintage Dolls.
Holly Hobby Dolls. Mary Engelbreit Collectibles. Ladies Mesh Purses.
Ladies Hankies & Several Hat Pins. Cast Iron Banks. Ladies Manic
an Heads. Glass Battery Jars. Nice selection of Cookie Jars – including; Little Red Riding Hood, Aunt Gemima, Smiley Pigs & Others. Many
Nice Pictures & Frames. Wood Blocks. Fiber Duck Decoys. Cap Guns,
Pad-A-Locks. 1926 Wards Catalogs & Other Paper Collectibles. Cast
Iron Toy Train Engines & Cars. Rice’s Seed Box. Feather Trees & Vintage
Christmas Items. Pocket Knives. Many Great Post Cards. Stereo Cards
& Viewer. “Bruer & Son – Crawford, Ne.” Chain Picture. School Bell. Asst.
of Ammo. Marbles. Insulators. Collectible Books. Plus, Many, More Wonderful Antiques & Collectibles too numerous to mention. Several Small
Collectibles to be sold out of display cases. STONEWARE: “Wilson’s
Store- Winnetoon, Nebr.” Advt. Beater Jar. (2) “G.E. Swanson – Wausa,
“Advt. Beater Jars. “Larson Hardware – Wausa” Advt. Butter Crock. Redwing Pantry Jar w/Lid. Mason Union Stoneware Fruit Jar. Spongeware
Bowls. Stoneware Pitchers including; Cherry Band, Blue & White & Others. Several Stoneware Bowls – Asst. Colors & Styles. 2 & 3 Gallon Salt
Glaze Crocks. Redwing 4 Gallon Butter Churn w/Lid. Redwing 2 gal & 6
gal. Birch Leaf Open Crock. Western 2 & 3 Gallon Open Crock. Plus, other
miscellaneous Stoneware Items. VINTAGE WAUSA, NEBRASKA COLLECTIBLES: Swedish Lutheran Church Custard Pitcher & Vase. Several
Early 1900’s Calendar Plates including; Palmer & Co. Golden Rule Store,
H.W. Johnson Variety Store. Larson Pop Corn Co. Wausa, Ne – Advt.
Popcorn Container. Consumers Lumber Co. Wausa – Flour Sifter. Coleson Holmquist Co. – Wausa – Watt Pitcher. Wausa Custard Glass. Vintage
Commercial State Bank – Coin Banks. Wausa Hdwe & Furniture Store
Match Safe. Lindgren Hardware & Impl. IH Advt. Ash Tray. “Andreasen
Bros” Advt. Picture. Johnson & Jeppsen Wausa School Shoes Book.
Wayne Feeds Advt. Bowls, - Wausa. Plus, other Nice Pieces of Advertising from other local communities including, Calendars & more.
Terms: Cash day of sale, no property to be removed until settled for. Everything sold
as is - where is and becomes the responsibility of the successful bidder. Proper ID will
be required for a bidding number. Not Responsible For Accidents or Theft.
RYAN CREAMER 402.254.9753
ALTON HEIMES 402.254.3315 ROGER JANSSEN: 402.388.4409
Tuesday, July 10 • 6:30pm
100 E. Turner St. – Irene, SD
OPEN HOUSE: Tuesday, June 26th from 6pm-7pm
Legal: 12 Blk 2 Hartwell, City of Irene
Taxes: $1,659.12
This home was built in 1949 and has 1,404 sq. feet of living space. Main floor has large entry
way with storage which leads into a nice size living room and dining area. Most of the main level
has beautiful hardwood floors throughout. Main level also has 2-bedrooms. One bedroom has 2
closets and large picture windows; other bedroom has entrance into full bath. Bathroom has tile
floor and tiled shower walls. Bath also includes washer/dryer hook-ups. Kitchen is large with lots
of cabinet and a nice breakfast nook area with bench seating. All appliances will stay with the
property: refrigerator, stove & washer/dryer unit. Basement is partially finished with painted walls
and newer light fixtures. Stairs have modern flooring. Basement has large rec room/storage area
as well as the panel, heater & water heater. This home has central air and propane heat. Propane
tank is owned and will go with the property.
This home sits on a large corner lot with a 2-car and single car detached garages. Large backyard
is completely fenced in, plenty of room for kids play equipment, dog or garden! Large mature pine
trees adorn the front and back yard; along with a concrete drive and nice wide sidewalk. Shingles
are a few years old and the home has recently been painted. There is only 4-steps to lead into the
main entry!
The Irene-Wakonda High School sits right out the back door! This home would make a great starter
home, rental or retirement home. Just one block North of the main street (Hwy 46) in Irene and
close to all the towns businesses. Only a short drive to Sioux Falls, Yankton or Vermillion. The home
in recent years was used for a daycare on the main level and a clothing boutique in the basement.
Join us for one of the open house or call the auction company for an appointmnent!
TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment due day of auction. Balance due on closing August
10, 2018. Turner County Title Co. is the closing agent. Title insurance & closing costs will be split
50/50 between buyer and seller. Possession on closing. Taxes are prorated to day of closing.
Auctioneers are acting as agents for the seller.
Brian & Andrea Gustad – Owners
Girard Auction & Land Brokers, Inc.
(605) 267-2421
Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186
Marv Girard—BA; Ken Girard, CAI—Broker,
Mike Girard, CAI—BA, Scott Moore--Auctioneer