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shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com January 1, 2019 • Page 3 USDA Highlights Key Accomplishments In 2018 That Are Building Rural Prosperity In South Dakota HURON, S.D., Dec. 21, 2018 – Julie Gross, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development State Director in South Dakota announced year-end accomplishments achieved in 2018 for South Dakota totaling more than $440 million. This announcement coincides with Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett’s national announcement of accomplishments that the USDA achieved in 2018 to build prosperity in rural communities. “Our agency has worked hard to create innovative ways to collaborate and implement best practices impacting rural prosperity,” said Gross. “By collaborating with partners and stakeholders, we have built upon the mission of creating economic opportunities and improving the quality of life of rural South Dakotans.” Here are a few highlights of South Dakota USDA Rural Development’s accomplishments for the 2018 fiscal year: Infrastructure • Helped finance 2 distance learning and telemedicine projects to use e-Connectivity at 51 hub and end-user sites to serve 412,426 rural residents and workers in more than 36 counties. • Supported the construction or improvement of 944 miles of electric trans- mission and distribution lines for rural electric infrastructure. These investments will benefit more than 25,372 business and residential consumers. • Provided new or improved broadband service to 6,300 rural households and businesses. • Helped finance 25 projects to provide new or improved water and wastewater services for 82,160 rural residents. • Worked with rural communities by providing financing for 17 essential community facilities projects such as schools, libraries, first responders, and municipal centers. These investments will serve 57,393 people. • Helped support the construction of 4 community infrastructure projects for streets, transportation, solar arrays, and water and storm water resources. These investments will serve 29,164 people who live and work in rural areas. • Provided financing to 76 rural businesses that created or saved nearly 573 jobs. Partnerships • Developed a pilot program to help Native American families on tribal lands buy homes. Two CDFIs, Mazaska Owecaso Otipi Financial in Pine Ridge and Four Bands Community Fund in Eagle Butte, are institutions in good standing with USDA. Each received $800,000 in Section 502 direct loan funding from USDA and will be responsible for contributing $200,000 in additional funds to pilot the project. These funds will be used to relend to Native American Families in tribal communities in South Dakota and North Dakota that meet the program’s requirements. Innovation • USDA Rural Development held a webinar through the South Dakota Governor’s Office of Economic Development and presented an overview of agency programs to economic developers, community leaders, and planning districts across the state. Housing programs have provided 1,196 families with a place to call home. In addition, 3,901 rental assistance and vouchers for low-income families totaled $19,272,221. The rental assistance and voucher program are offered to qualified low-income seniors and families living in USDA Rural Development financed apartment complexes throughout the state. In April 2017, President Donald J. Trump established the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity to identify legislative, regulatory and Thank You And Goodbye By Gov. Dennis Daugaard tans can be proud of the public we were old enough, my sisters This is the last column I will servants who work for state and I worked hard too. When Dad write as Governor of South Dakogovernment. Their advice and had financial troubles and had to ta, and I want to say “thank you.” hard work helped me make better sell the livestock and equipment, Thank you to the people of decisions. he didn’t use his deafness as an South Dakota. It was a great In particular, I thank Lt. Govexcuse. He and my mother drove honor when you placed your con- ernor Matt Michels. He has been fifty miles, every day, to work fidence in me. Over these past a great lieutenant governor, in as janitors in the dormitories at eight years, I have always tried to so many ways. He has helped Augustana. It was work that some work hard to make our state betwith disaster response. He has people would not accept. But my ter. Whenever times were tough, led low-profile efforts to improve parents taught me an important your strength encouraged me. state risk management, insurance, lesson – that all work has dignity. I first saw that strength during bonding, and internal controls. Most people wouldn’t call my the Missouri River floods of 2011. More than anything else, Matt father a particularly successful Releases from the Oahe Dam Michels cares about people – all man. He died with very little. But were nearly triple the previous people. Matt is a great South he worked hard, he took care of record. Large portions of Pierre, Dakotan and our state has been himself, and he paid his bills. He and nearly all of Fort Pierre and fortunate to have him serving us. was self-reliant, persistent, and Dakota Dunes, were threatened by My wife, Linda, has been an frugal. He was successful to me. the flooding. In a matter of days, outstanding First Lady. She led South Dakota is a special place we filled hundreds of thousands state efforts to reduce infant because there are many, many of sandbags and we built emermortality. She encouraged more people who carry those same valgency levies that saved most of people to become foster parents. ues with them and set that same Pierre, Fort Pierre and Dakota She read to thousands of stuexample in their lives, every day. Dunes. Thousands of South Dako- dents, visiting 3rd, 4th, and 5th That is why I love South Datans stepped up – National Guard, grade classes in 285 schools. But kota. That is why it has been my law enforcement, first responders, as much as she’s been a terrific great honor to be your governor. busloads of volunteers, hundreds first lady, she’s been a loving and And that is why I know that our of truckers, and even prison devoted wife. Along with our best days are still yet to come. inmates. As I said at the time – three children, Laura, Sara, and “As high as the floodwaters rose, Chris, my famSouth Dakota rose even higher.” ily have always I saw that same spirit again been loyal and and again over the eight years I’ve supportive, and Earn as much as $400+ this month been governor – during Winter I’m looking forStorm Atlas, tornadoes in Wessward to spend& $120 this week ington Springs and Delmont, fires ing more time in the Black Hills. I’ll never forget with them. that selflessness –South DakoI owe much tans helping each other. Those to my parents. weren’t the easiest moments, but My mom and they were the times when I was dad were both most proud to be governor of born deaf, but South Dakota. they didn’t I also thank the many fine peoallow that to dend ple who have worked so hard on & 3rd, 9them. th, 16th & 17th • 1-3:00PM ter th & 10 They December 2 my behalf – in my cabinet, on my worked hard Bring Your Cameras! our farm for staff, or leading important work on in state agencies. South Dakoyears, and once Always LOW Liquor Prices! Reuse. Repurpose. Really Save! Take a fresh look at the Classifieds, the original way to shop green! •Busch & Busch Light 30 pks ........... $15.79 •Old Milwaukee & Light 30 pks ........$14.99 •Miller High Life & Light 30 pks ........$14.99 •Bud & Bud Light 24 pks ........................$17.99 109 W. 3rd St. • 605-665-7865 * Yankton Meridian District * www.yanktonrexall.com winter is here! Noem Selects DSU Dean To Lead Department Of Education PIERRE, S.D. – Governor-elect Kristi Noem, a long-time advocate for education, has announced that Dr. Ben Jones will join her administration as Interim Secretary of Education. “There’s no better place to grow up than South Dakota, but we must do better to equip the next generation with the tools they need to thrive,” said Noem. “Ben Jones is an experienced voice and trusted leader in South Dakota education. Together, we’ll look for innovative ways to strengthen our systems, work to improve K-12 outcomes, and make our education programs more applicable to the modern workforce.” “I appreciate Governor-elect Noem’s confidence in me as we work to improve education for South Dakota families,” said Ben Jones. “I’m a product of public education and know from my experience growing up in De Smet that vibrant schools send out well-prepared kids. I plan on working with Governor-elect Noem to bring a new perspective to the Department of Education, developing a culture of performance, supporting teachers in their vital work for our kids, and improving civic knowledge.” Jones holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Kansas. Now serving as the Dean of Dakota State University’s College of Arts and Sciences, he oversees more than 50 full-time and adjunct faculty members. In this role, he has revitalized numerous programs to better equip students for modernized careers, launched innovative programming, and improved course content through interdepartmental collaboration. Jones, a De Smet native, now lives in Sioux Falls with his wife and three children. Mark’s Machinery From all of us. Thanks for your business. We look forward to serving you in 2019! * SEE OUR DISPLAY * THIS WEEK! 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Increasing investments in rural infrastructure is a key recommendation of the task force. To view the report in its entirety, please view the Report to the President of the United States from the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity (PDF, 5.4 MB). In addition, to view the categories of the recommendations, please view the Rural Prosperity infographic (PDF, 190 KB). USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit www.rd.usda.gov. 1600 Whiting Dr., Yankton, SD (605)857-1472 3211 East Hwy. 50 • Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-4540 • 800-526-8095 745 E. Hwy. 46 • Wagner, SD 605-384-3681 • 800-693-1990 Or visit us at: www.marksinc.com
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