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shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com May 14, 2019 • Page 3 Guard General Retires After 43 Years Of Service To South Dakota By Staff Sgt. Austin A. Pearce 129th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment RAPID CITY, S.D. – Brig. Gen. Thomas Croymans, of Aberdeen, retired from the South Dakota Army National Guard after more than 43 years of military service to his community, state and nation. Croymans retired as the Army assistant adjutant general and held numerous key leadership positions throughout his career. Croymans served as the assistant adjutant from May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019, and was responsible for strategic planning, strength management, troop readiness and mobilization support for the state’s nearly 3,200 Army National Guard Soldiers. He was honored for his service during a retirement ceremony at Joint Force Headquarters on Camp Rapid, May 4. “To all the members of the South Dakota Army National Guard, I can’t tell you how proud I am for the tremendous work you do; you’ve earned a reputation for excellence not only here in the United States, but around the world, and rightfully so,” said Croymans. “For me personally, I couldn’t ask for anything more than to have the opportunity to be a part of all the good things this organization does.” His military career began in October 1975, enlisting in the 740th Transportation Company in Milbank; he spent the first 14 years of his career as an enlisted Soldier, attaining the rank of staff sergeant. He received his commission as a second lieutenant through the South Dakota Military Academy Officer Candidate School program in December 1989, branching as a transportation officer. “I had some personal conflicts and set backs in my career that really made me think I was close to the end, so I had to make some difficult decisions about whether I wanted to stay in the military,” said Croymans. “I hung in there, though, worked hard and was able to make it through OCS to receive my commission.” Croymans held numerous command and staff positions within the 1742nd Transportation Company, 88th Troop Command, 139th Brigade Support Battalion and 109th Regional Support Group. He also served as the land component commander, chief of staff and director of the joint staff for Joint Force Headquarters in Rapid City. “His dedication to this organization is on a level that’s simply unheard of,” said Maj. Gen. Tim Reisch, adjutant general for the SDNG. “He served for over four decades and leaves us leading the finest Army National Guard state in the nation.” Croymans holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from South Dakota State University and a Masters in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College. In his civilian career, he is the regional roads engineer for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Region. May Proclaimed As Archaeology Rechtenbaugh Named Permanent Secretary OF Human Services & Historic Preservation Month PIERRE, S.D. – May wide essay contest for to the State Historical PIERRE, S.D. – Shawnie Rechtenstate prevention coordinator for DHS. has been proclaimed as all students in the fourth Society. baugh has been appointed as the Before joining the Noem AdministraArchaeology & Historic grade, the year in which Winning third place permanent Secretary of the Department tion, Rechtenbaugh served at the DePreservation Month in South Dakota history is with a story about her of Human Services (DHS). partment of Public Safety as the State South Dakota. taught. The purpose was grandpa’s farm near EuRechtenbaugh has been serving as 9-1-1 Coordinator where she received The month “acquaints to enable students to reka was Amelia Duncan, the interim secretary since January the Government Leader Award from the the public with the disciachieve a better apprecia- who is home schooled 2019. NextGen 9-1-1 Institute for her leaderplines of archaeology and tion of their historic rein Aberdeen. Her essay “It is an honor to work for Gov. ship in advancing the state’s 9-1-1 syshistoric preservation and sources, the stories they was called “The Perfect Noem and serve the great people of tem. She was then promoted to deputy strengthens the enduring tell and why they should Example of South Dakota South Dakota, ”Rechtenbaugh said. secretary and finally interim secretary bond between the past be maintained. Beauty.” Amelia won a $50 “Returning to the DHS is an exciting of Public Safety. and the present,” Gov. Students were asked cash prize and a one-year opportunity. I look forward to workA Mobridge native, Rechtenbaugh is Noem said in the proclato write a 100-400 word family membership to the ing with our dedicated providers and a graduate of Northern State University, mation. essay about any South State Historical Society. department staff to improve services to holds a bachelor’s degree in PsycholHistoric Preservation Dakota location that is at A link to the winning our citizens living with a disability and ogy and received her Government LeadMonth has been celleast 50 years old, why essays can be found those with long-term care needs.” ership Excellence certificate through ebrated in South Dakota it is a favorite place for on the State Historical Since 2006, Rechtenbaugh has the University of South Dakota. She and since it was established at them and why it should Society’s website at hisserved the citizens of South Dakota. her husband, Scott, reside in Pierre and the national level in 1973. be saved. It did not need tory.sd.gov/preservation/ Initially, she started her career as the have two daughters. The state added archaeol- to be a historic site. archhpmonth.aspx. ogy in 2005 to recognize Fifty-eight entries were Activities across South it as a partner in historic received. The participants Dakota are listed on the INTERESTED IN THIS SPOT? preservation. were from 15 towns, 14 State Historical SociCall 665-5884 to place your ad here. “South Dakota’s culschools and three home ety’s online calendar of tural heritage is rich and schools. Entries were events at history.sd.gov. diverse as represented judged on quality of writThis calendar highlights Call 665-5884 to www.missourivalleyshopper.com by thousands of archaeoing, content and theme, educational programs in logical and historical and originality of thought. the areas of archaeology, place your ad here. sites, historic buildings The first-place winner preservation and hisand landscapes that was Kendal Waltner from tory across the state and MAY Visit our Web site at have been identified and Tea Area Legacy Elemenbeyond, throughout the www.missourivalleyshopper.com recorded throughout the tary School. Kendal’s year. Those interested in 27TH state,” said Jay D. Vogt, essay entitled “Out of the submitting an event to be director of the South Park” was about Sherman posted on the calendar Early Deadlines for the May 28th Issues Dakota State Historical Park in Sioux Falls. She can find a form on the Society at the Cultural won a $200 cash prize website calendar page. Local, trusted service you can Visit our Heritage Center in Pierre. and a one-year family For more information count on, for over 30 years Web site at “Public appreciation and membership to the South on this annual celebrawww.missourivalleyshopper.com understanding is the Dakota State Historical tion or other historic Deadline: Deadline: Regular Call 665-5884 to foundation of preserving Society valued at $50. preservation programs, Noon 11:00am Deadline The place your ad here. South Dakota’s past for Brynn Roehrich from contact the State Historic Week Before Thursday, Thursday, future generations.” Clark Elementary School Preservation Office at the 1915 Broadway, Yankton The 2019 theme for took second place. With Cultural Heritage Center, & After May 23 May 23 the month is “There’s the title of “This Place 900 Governors Drive, Visit our Interested in No Place Like Home.” Matters,” Brynn wrote Pierre, SD 57501-2217; Web site at this spot? People have been calling about the Mellette House telephone 605-773-3458, www.missourivalleyshopper.com South Dakota home for in Watertown. She won a e-mail shpo@state.sd.us over 10,000 years. The $100 cash prize and a one- or website history.sd.gov/ Call 665-5884 to construction methods, year family membership preservation. ad here. place your materials and designs of homes in South Dakota have changed dramaticalYOU NEED IT TODAY? NO PROBLEM! ly over these years, but whether it was an earth • Great Parts • Great Warranty lodge or a bungalow, Missouri Valley 216 W. 4th St. • YANKTON,SD nd rd there really,isth &place16th & 17th • 1-3:00PM In-Stock! NO Shopper no 10th, On-Hand & WAITING! December 2 & 3 9 605-665-5884 like home. 1007 Broadway Ave Bring Your The State Historical Cameras! 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