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May 14, 2019 • Page 7
SD National Guard Selects
Lieutenant Of The Year
RAPID CITY, S.D. - The South Dakota National Guard selected Capt.
Guy Bauermeister, of Omaha, as its
Lieutenant of the Year during its
annual officer's conference in Sioux
Falls, April 27.
Bauermeister, a mission planning officer with the 175th Fighter
Squadron, South Dakota Air National
Guard, received the Lt. Col. John
J. Steele Award as the most exceptional lieutenant after competing
against lieutenants from several of
the SDNG's major commands.
"Bauermeister is an outstanding
officer who has established himself
as my number one, go-to junior
officer in the 175th Fighter Squadron," said Col. Nathan Alholinna,
114th Fighter Wing commander. "He
embodies the ethos of service before
self and continually demonstrates
nothing short of excellence as a
leader to the Airmen of the 175th
Fighter Squadron."
The Lt. Col. John J. Steele Award
was established in 1968 to annually recognize the most outstanding
lieutenant in the SDNG. Selection is
based on exceptional qualities of
leadership, values and performance.
"Being selected for the Steele
Award is a huge honor for me," said
Bauermeister. "In the fighter pilot
world we hold ourselves to exceptionally high standards, so it can be
easy at times to lose perspective on
what you have accomplished.
"The majority of our time is spent
analyzing the mistakes we made
and developing lessons learned, so
we can avoid that situation again
and pass lessons learned to others,"
Bauermeister continued. "Ultimately,
it's a nice reminder to me that hard
work always pays off."
Bauermeister, who has nearly 11
years of service in the Air National
Guard, enlisted in 2008 and attended
Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Technical Training, where he graduated
the top of his class. He was later
selected to serve as a crew chief. By
2014, he was selected to attend pilot
training and received his commission as a second lieutenant from the
U.S. Air Force Academy of Military
Science at Maxwell Air Force Base,
Since then, Bauermeister attended the Euro NATO Joint Jet Pilot
Training at Sheppard AFB, Texas,
where he flew the T-6 Texan II and
T-38 Talon. He earned his wings in
May of 2016 and went on to complete the Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals Course at Sheppard AFB,
followed by the F-16 Basic Course at
Luke AFB, Arizona, where he graduated with honors.
"From day one, I've always known
that I've wanted to be a fighter pilot,"
said Bauermeister. "Getting to this
point is a very humbling experience,
and I always try to keep things in
Bauermeister is also a combat
veteran, deploying to Southwest Asia
in 2018, where he flew 45 combat
missions with over 190 hours of
flight time - employing joint directattack munitions and 20 millimeter
high-explosive rounds.
"Our recent deployment to
Afghanistan was very busy, and we
were able to do some good work
Governor’s Agricultural
Summit Registration Open
PIERRE, S.D.– Registration is open for the tenth annual South Dakota Governor’s Agricultural Summit to be
held July 10 and 11 in Sioux Falls at the Denny Sanford
for the Soldiers on the ground, and
I consider it to be one of my greatThe purpose of the Governor's Agricultural Summit is
est accomplishments," said Bauermeister. "When 9/11 happened, I was to bring together leaders in business, finance,
education, government and production agriculture
only 11 years old, and to be able to
to demonstrate agriculture's comparative advantages
be there and make a difference has
always been something that I wanted and discuss ways to harness the industry's potential for
economic development.
to get the opportunity to do."
The summit is open to anyone who is interested in
Bauermeister is a 2014 graduthe many ways agriculture impacts South Dakota. There
ate of the University of Nebraska at
is no cost to attend, but space is limited, so registration
Omaha, where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary by June 28 is appreciated. To register, go to sdagsummit.
Education. Upon graduation, he
This year, the Governor’s Ag Summit is excited to
taught 7th and 8th grades at Elkhorn
Valley View Middle School in Omaha feature United States Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
Stephen Censky as the keynote speaker on July 10.
before being selected into a pilot
Also a part of the summit, Governor Kristi Noem
position with the 114th Fighter Wing.
will recognize an individual or organization as the 2019
Other officers representing their
Governor’s Ag Ambassador for outstanding contributions
major command for this year's
to the state’s agricultural industry. The award will be
award competition were 1st Lt.
presented July 11 at the noon luncheon. The deadline for
Mark Bubac, 109th Regional Supnominations for the Governor’s Ag Ambassador award
port Group, and 1st Lt. Emily Von
is May 17. Nomination forms can be found on the South
Klompenburg, 196th Maneuver
Dakota Department of Agriculture’s website, sdda.sd.gov,
Enhancement Brigade.
by looking in the “Happening Now” section.
Although receiving Lieutenant
For more information on the 2019 Governor’s Agriculof the Year honors is a huge actural Summit, visit sdagsummit.com or contact Tiffany
complishment for Bauermeister,
Thompson at tiffany.thompson@state.sd.us.
he is also proud of what the award
represents beyond himself.
"The Steele Award is a great
opportunity to highlight the accomplishments of the 114th Fighter
Wing as a unit over the past year,"
added Bauermeister. "If you were to
PIERRE, S.D. - Annika Tank of Britton, Grace Eastman
look at any of the individuals in the
of Tyndall, and Emmy Newsam of Murdo are the winning
South Dakota Guard, both Air and
Army components, who participated essayists, selected from the 998 entries, in the 2019 Arbor
Day Essay Contest. Sponsored by South Dakota’s conserin deployments last year, you could
vation districts and the South Dakota Department of Agwithout a doubt put any of them in
riculture (SDDA), the contest provides fifth and six grade
my position. It's great that I have
students the opportunity to write about the importance
the opportunity to represent the
114th Fighter Wing and 175th Fighter of Arbor Day and tree planting in South Dakota.
In addition to learning more about trees, the students
win awards and cash prizes for their efforts. As the first
place winner, Tank receives a plaque and $125 in cash.
Her school, Britton-Hecla Middle School, will receive $150
for the purchase of supplies or equipment. Eastman, the
second place winner, receives a plaque and $100 cash
and Newsam receives a plaque and $75 for her third place
Tank, Eastman, and Newsam will read their essays and
States Secretary of the Interior David
receive their prizes during special Arbor Day celebrations
in their hometown areas. All students who entered the
Several state and local agencies
will work together over the next year contest will receive a packet of tree seeds, courtesy of the
SDDA Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry.
to coordinate and plan the celebraFor more information on this contest and to read the
tion and to ensure the fireworks
winning essays, please visit the SDDA’s website at http://
display is safe and enjoyable for
2019 Arbor Day Essay
Contest Winners Selected
Fourth Of July Fireworks Celebration Making
A Return To Mount Rushmore In 2020
PIERRE, S.D. – Following several
months of meetings and discussions,
the State of South Dakota and the
U.S. Department of the Interior have
agreed to bring fireworks back to
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
beginning with the 2020 Independence Day celebration.
Fireworks were last seen at Mount
Rushmore in 2009 but were discontinued following concerns related
to the pine beetle infestation in the
Black Hills National Forest. Since
that time, the forest has gained
strength and advancements in pyrotechnics allow for a safe fireworks
"I look forward to working with
the State of South Dakota to restore
a fireworks display at one of our
nation's great Memorials, which
tells the story of the birth, growth,
development, and
preservation of
this great country," said United
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Grants Available For Mosquito Control Programs
PIERRE, S.D. – Cities,
counties and tribes can
again apply for state
grant funding to help
control mosquitoes and
prevent West Nile virus
“Since West Nile first
appeared in South Dakota, local mosquito control
programs and the state
have worked together to
reduce the risk of West
Nile,” said Bill Chalcraft,
public health preparedness and response administrator for the Department of Health. “We’re
very pleased to continue
that partnership with this
latest round of grants.”
Chalcraft said the
department has a total of
$500,000 in funding avail-
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able for local mosquito
control programs. Grant
awards will be based on
the population of the applying jurisdiction and its
number of human cases
through 2018. Individual
grants could range from
$500 to $20,000.
Applications are available on the department’s
WNV website, westnile.
sd.gov and the submission deadline is June
1. Grant awards will be
issued after July 1.
Since WNV emerged in
South Dakota, the department has provided local
control programs over $7
million in support, including both direct funding
and mosquito control
The state’s first human
case was reported in
2001. Since then, South
Dakota has reported
2,601 human cases and 46
Preventing and controlling infectious disease
is one objective of the
Department of Health’s
2015-2020 strategic plan,
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